Chapter 8

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When the last note was hit and the song ended, the crowd stand from their sit and clapped their hands as they appreciate the wonderful performance Miharo and Zerhica gave them.

"It was an honor to play the piano with such a talented person like you miss Zerhica" Miharo said in his deep and hoarse voice that Zerhica really liked as she once again, felt butterflies in her stomach.

"You've complimented me too much" Zerhica smiled at him gently trying her best to act normal in front of him.

"I see you've already met my sister" Miharo said making Zerhica glance in Hana's direction. She was clapping her hands hard and her smiles were so wide.

"Yes, She's such a bright person"

"You wouldn't mind joining our table, would you? Unless you want to join your sisters and father's reserved table" Miharo said causing Zerhica to laugh lightly.

"It would be an honor to sit at the same table with you Mr. Miharo" With that being said, Miharo's grin widened and Zerhica couldn't help but stare at his handsome face.

"Then, shall we?" Miharo asked before walking with Zerhica towards the table where Hana is.

"Did you know about this?" Lilia asked Lucas who was staring at Zerhica walking elegantly towards the table where a young girl sat.

"What?" Lucas asked her, his gaze still on Zerhica.

He still couldn't believe his eyes. The confident and sharp Zerhica he saw tonight were so different from what he remembered. The girl who had always been following him, trying to gain attention from him were now talking at smiling with another man. She doesn't look at him the way she used to. The warm gaze she always gave him was now replaced with an indifferent look as if he was just a stranger to her eyes.

"If you don't stop staring at my sister I will pull your eyes out" Lilia threaten him causing his attention to snap back to the present.

Lucas scoffed. "Don't act innocent, I saw you staring at Mr. Miharo the same way"

Lilia's face turn red as she tried to calm herself down. She can't show her angered face to everyone, she's known as the number one beauty of the capital and a gentle young miss of the Lionheart family.

"Is it true Zerhica was the CEO of the milk tea cafe?" Kate asked hesitantly. "If it was, then I will never ever visit that cafe ever again. Even though the mango graham tastes so good"

"I think it's true. After all, Mr. Miharo said it himself" Lucas sighed as he sipped from the wine glass he was holding.

"How annoying, She embarrassed me and Lilia and now she got everyone's attention by herself. What a slut seducing my dream guy Mr. Miharo as if she's worthy of his affection" Kate angrily said, sending a sharp glare toward the direction of Zerhica's and Miharo's table.

"Annoying isn't it?" Kate's attention was now back on Lilia when she heard her say that.

"You're planning something aren't you?" Kate asked when she saw the look on her sister's face. It was the face she always sees every time she's plotting something.

Instead of answering, Lilia just smiled at her before moving her gaze to Zericha. No one knows what she's thinking.

Magical Love: Short story (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang