Chapter 4

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When Zerhica finally arrive at her 'home' she was greeted with a bang. Literally.

Just when Zerhica opened the magnificent front doors of the mansion her family owned, she found herself drenched with cold water that made her whole body shiver.

"Ma'am Zerhica!" Nora called out and tried to wipe Zerhica's face with her handkerchief but was soon stopped by her boss.

"No need" Zerhica said indifferently as she wipe her face with her hands and then look in the direction where the cold water came from.

"Oh my, I am so sorry Zerhica" Kate, Zerhica's second sister said but her smiling face didn't seem so apologetic.

"It's ok" Zerhica said, she doesn't want to step low and fight her immature sister just because of these childish tricks.

"You see I was trying to practice my water element so I can make our father proud but I didn't know you will suddenly appear so I was startled and throw my magic in your face" Kate said smilingly but Zerhica know more than anyone else what her words mean.

Although it sounds like her sister is apologizing for her actions, the real meaning behind her words is different. She was actually mocking Zerhica for not having a magical element like her sister Kate and was also blaming her for suddenly appearing which cause her to lose focus on her training.

Zerhica grinned but before she can say anything she heard her mother's voice.

"Zerhica? Why are you drenched with water?" She asked before hastily walking towards her youngest daughter whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Seeing her daughter coming home alone and then getting drenched in water after just returning home caused her heart to ache. She looked in the direction of Kate who is still smiling ear to ear.

"Did you do this to your sister?" Sarah asked her but Kate just rolled her eyes.

"Stop favoring her just because she is your biological daughter while I and sister Lilia is the daughter of the late wife of father" She said while looking at her nails not caring about how her words made Sarah's blood boil.

"Kate, I am your mother now whether you like it or not and I want some respect from you"

"Oh yeah? You want me to respect the woman who was arranged marriage to my father despite the fact that he already has the woman he loves? Stop joking-"

A slap of skin was suddenly heard throughout the living room. Zerhica's eyes widened when she realized that her mother just slapped her sister.

"Did you just hit my daughter?!" A terrifying voice roared through out the living room as Veron, Zerhica's Father walked in their direction and then grabbed the arm of Sarah. "How dare you-"

"Stop" Zerhica said. Only then did her father notice her.

"Why are you here?" He asked as his brows furrowed.

Zerhica couldn't help but laugh but before she can open her mouth her mother already glared at her husband.

"I told you it's her graduation yesterday! I asked you to send her my gift and a driver but you didn't, did you?"

"Well, She's here anyways" Veron said before facing Kate and touching her swollen cheeks. "Are you ok sweetie?"

Sarah scoffed. "Do you even care about Zerhica?"

"I only care about my daughter who has a talent" Veron said which made Kate smile sheepishly.

"Unlike your daughter, Kate has a rare element of magic and Lilia is called the number one beauty of the capital. So why would I care for such an insignificant one-"

In this world where magic is very rare, People value them like a deity that's why it's no wonder Veron treated Kate better than Zerhica.

"You-!" before Sarah finished her sentence she suddenly stop when she felt someone tugging at her sleeves.

"It's fine mother"

"See? Even your daughter understands. You to should be grateful you're still living in this house and I spend my money on you going to college-"

"You don't have to worry about that" She said casually as she look at her father's startled face.

"What do you mean I don't have to worry about the money I spend on the two of you" Instead of answering, Zerhica looked at Nora, who was still silently standing by the front door watching the drama that is happening before her.

When Nora noticed her boss looking in her direction, she walked towards her and then give her the briefcase she was holding the whole time.

Zerhica opened the briefcase and then throw it on the ground causing the stack of cash to spill on the floor. Everyone's eyes widened as they stare at the pile of money with twinkling eyes Except Zerhica and her Secretary, Nora.

"Where did you get so much money?" Veron asked her daughter suspiciously.

"Don't worry, I didn't do something illegal" Zerhica said before grinning. "That's for all the money you spend on me and my mother"

"W-why are you giving that to me?" Veron asked, he couldn't help himself but stare at the stack of money.

"My total tuition is 5,000 dollars a year and a total of 20,000 dollars for my four-year course. You've been providing my clothes, food, and home for almost 21 years and let's say you spent a total of 50,000 dollars for me and another 50,000 dollars for my mother. So over all, We owe you 120,000 dollars."


"There are 500,000 dollars inside that briefcase. You can have it then I and my mother will leave this house and we will never show our face in front of you" Everyone, including Nora was startled when they heard what I said.

"W-what are you talking about Zerhica?" Sarah asked. "Where will we go if we leave?"

"Don't worry about that mom, I already have a place for us to stay"

"What do you mean you're leaving? As far as I remember, I am still your father and so am I Sarah's husband"

"I will send the divorce papers to your lawyer" Again, everyone was surprised by the words she was saying but Zerhica didn't forget to ask her mother's opinion. "You agree to divorce this scum right? Mother?"

"Oh... Uh- Yes" Zerhica sighed a breath of relief when she heard her mother's answer. For a moment she doubted if her mother will agree to divorce her father. They have been living as husband and wife for more than two decades now and although Veron doesn't really treat his wife like a husband was supposed to, Zerhica wasn't so sure if her mother has feelings for him.

"That's settled then. We will send people to pack our things tomorrow so you don't have to bother throwing them. Let's not meet again"

After saying that Zerhica held her mother's pulse and then brought her outside. Everyone was stunned and it took them time to realize what just happened but Zerhica and her mother have already left when Veron realize he just lost her wife.

Although he doesn't really like his wife, It's still not good for his image if words spread that his wife divorces him.

Kate was also surprised by how things turned out but she didn't care and just stared happily at the pack of money on the floor.

Unknown to everyone, There was a man on the second floor who saw everything that has happened.

"Lucas, What are you staring at?" Lilia asked before hugging her fiance from behind.

"Nothing" Lucas answered before smiling at his lovely fiance but he couldn't help reminiscing about the confident Zerhica he just saw a while ago. Her eyes were sharp, her posture was straight and confident as if she know something everyone don't. The Zerhica he saw was so different from what he remembered before she left to study college and Lucas couldn't help but wonder about the girl who liked him in the past.

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