Chapter 1

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"Zerhica" Zerhica was confused and baffled at the same time when she heard a very familiar voice calling her softly.

'My head must have been hit badly for me to hear mom's voice

"Zerhica..." The voice called again but this time, it was more clear.

Zerhica opened her eyes and the first thing she saw caused her great surprise. Her mother, who died a few years ago is now sitting beside her bed gently caressing her hair.

"Mom?" Zerhica called with a high-pitched voice that she herself didn't recognize.

"Wake up, your father wants to talk to you in his office"

"You're alive..." Zerhica whispered which caused the mid 30's woman in front of her to furrow her brows.

"What? You want me to die? Not yet, I have to see you get married first" Her mom answered jokingly.

"But... I'm too old to get married again" Zerhica answered back, she must be dreaming. There's no way what's happening right now is real.

"Too old?" her mother laughed. "Married again? What? Did you hit your head while sleeping? Did you dream about you and Lucas getting married and growing old together?"

Zerhica sighed. Lucas was her childhood crush that was married to her older sister, Lilia years back. She was actually brokenhearted because of it but that feeling can't even be compared to the pain and sorrow she felt when she was married to an old perverted man.

"Anyways, enough of your nonsense and get ready and go to your father's office" Sarah, Zerhica's mother said before she left the room.

Zerhica was left confused in her bedroom but only then did she realize that her bedroom looked different from what she'd remembered. The gloomy dark colored curtains were gone as well as the dirty bed sheets she never had the time to change. The room was now filled with pastel pink furniture and stuffed toys she used to have as a girly teenager.

Zerhica rubbed her eyes but the room doesn't change a bit. Can a dream be this detailed?

She tried to stand up from her bed but suddenly stopped when she saw her reflection on the wall-sized glass mirror she used to have in her teenage years.

That mirror was shattered by her bare hands the day her mother died but what's causing her confusion is not the mirror but her own reflection.

Why do I look so young?

Zerhica walked closer to the wall size mirror. Her dark and big eye bags and dry skin were gone. Her whitening hair was back to being shiny black and her scaling lips were red and her eyes were full of life again.

Zerhica's eyes watered as she stare at her 17-year-old self.

'I miss my old self'

Even though she doesn't want to, Zerhica needs to wake up from this dream. She can't hold her hopes up that this is reality. She tried to pinch herself but she collapsed on the floor when nothing happened.

'I'm back... I'm back... The heavens heard me and gave me another chance to live

"Zerhica, what's taking you so lo-" Zerhica glanced at her mother who just entered her room looking at her worriedly. "Why are you crying?"

Zerhica just shook her head but her tears kept on falling. Her mother walked closer to her and hugged her tightly but it only made Zerhica cry harder.

Her mother died when she was 18 years old. She was never close to her father but she was very dependent on her mother that's why her world almost collapsed when she died. But what saddened her more was the fact that she was the very reason why her mother died.

It was a rainy day when Zerhica decided to stay at her university trying to finish her thesis without telling her mother. Her mother was so worried when she didn't return home on time that's why she decided to go to her. It was just as simple as that but fate was such a bitch.

While driving to her university, with the road slippery and her heart tightening because of worrying about her daughter, Zerhica's mother got into a car accident to which took her life.

Since then Zerhica blamed herself. Her father who was never warm towards her treated her even worse and that's the beginning of her pitiful life.

'I won't let that happen again, I won't let mother die on me'

"Why are you crying? Is it because of what I said about Lucas?" Zerhica wiped her tears off her face and tried to force a laugh. She can't say the truth to her mother because she might think that she's losing her mind so she just nodded her head.

Her mother sighed. "I'm just kidding you know, I hate to say it to you but Lucas might be engaged to your sister in the future"

I know mother... I know.

"So try to forget about him, there are more outstanding men than Lucas who will love you as much as I do"

If it were in the past, Zerhica wouldn't listen to her mother and continue to be infatuated with Lucas but now was different. The soul that was residing inside the 17-year-old girl experiences a whole lifetime and she won't let herself be as pathetic as her old self.

"Now stand up, and get ready. Your father wants to talk to you" Zerhica was brought back to reality when she heard her mother's words.


"He wants to talk about your studies"

"Alright.. just give me a minute" Zerhica wiped her tears off her cheeks before she stands up and walk to the bathroom.

Just before she closed the bathroom door, her mother said: "I'll wait for you in his office"

Zerhica didn't have a chance to answer as her mother already closed the door and she was left alone in her room for the second time. She submerged herself in the warm water of her bathtub as she let her mind wander.

If her memory is right, Her father called her to his office to talk about her studies. Her father wants to send her away to a boarding school for college.

In her past life, Zerhica didn't agree to go. She begged her father to let her stay and study at a University near their place with her sister Lilia and Kate because she was scared of going to an unfamiliar place and living alone and also, Zerhica didn't want to leave Lucas.

Zerhica scoffed. "How stupid of me"

Magical Love: Short story (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz