Chapter 4

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Jack awoke the following morning to find Mac still lost in slumber. Respecting his partner's need for rest, Jack silently slipped out of bed, delicately closing the door behind him as he made his way to the living room. As he settled on the couch, thoughts of the impending arrival of their baby consumed his mind. The weight of the unknown future pressed upon him, mingling with a sense of excitement and nervousness.

Just as Jack was deep in contemplation, his phone buzzed with an urgent message from work. Reluctantly, he retreated back to their bedroom to get dressed, only to discover Mac awake and seemingly in discomfort.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty," Jack greeted with a tender smile.

Mac's face lit up with a bright smile in response. "Hey," he replied, rubbing his belly gently.

Concern etched into Jack's features as he asked, "Are you okay?"

Mac's expression turned pained as he admitted, "No. I was asleep until cramps and pain jolted me awake. Where are you off to?"

"I've been called in for work," Jack explained, his voice filled with regret. "You stay here, my love. Take care of yourself. I'll be back soon, alright?"

Mac nodded weakly, his eyes filled with worry. "Okay, just be careful. I love you."

Jack's heart swelled with affection as he reassured, "I love you more."

With a tender kiss shared between them, Jack reluctantly left for work, leaving Mac to find solace in slumber once again. As Jack embarked on his journey to the Phoenix Foundation, thoughts of their impending parenthood danced in his mind, painting vivid images of the joy and happiness that awaited them.

Meanwhile, Mac's slumber was interrupted once more, this time with less pain and cramping. Seizing the opportunity, Mac rose from bed and disappeared into the depths of their closet, emerging clad in a comfortable tank top and sweatpants. Armed with a notebook, Mac began jotting down ideas and plans for both a girl's and a boy's room, determined to be prepared for whichever blessing awaited them.

Lost in the creative process, Mac poured his heart and soul onto the pages, envisioning a future filled with love and warmth.

Mac started writing something down. While doing that, he felt cramps and his belly hurt. The pain was bearable without Jack. After finishing writing, Mac left the notebook open for Jack and sat down on the couch to rest. But then he heard his belly make a noise, which caused him pain. Mac decided to get ready for bed, but his belly made another noise and the pain got worse. He quickly went to the bathroom and used it.

Mac tried to drink water, but it didn't help and made the pain worse. He went to the bathroom again, but it only made things even worse. Mac didn't know what to do and started crying because his belly hurt so much. He really wanted Jack to be there. Just then, he heard Jack's voice saying he was home. Jack found Mac in tears in the bathroom and asked if he was okay. Mac replied that his belly hurt and Jack realized he had a bellyache.

Jack offered to get a heating pad for Mac, who agreed. Mac knew that Jack loved him and left to get the heating pad. Mac laid on the bed, trying to fall asleep, and eventually did. From Jack's perspective, he went to find the heating pad for Mac because he didn't want to see him in pain. He knew that stomachaches can be common during pregnancy. Given that stomachaches can be particularly distressing during pregnancy, I felt compelled to take action.

Upon returning to the bedroom, I connected the heating pad to a power source and adjusted it to level 4. Subsequently, I gently lifted Mac's shirt and positioned the heating pad on his abdomen, hoping it would alleviate his discomfort. Seeking to provide further comfort, I joined Mac in bed and engaged in cuddling. Eventually, I succumbed to sleep, unaware of the passage of time.

(MacGyver Mpreg) Mac x Jack DaltonWhere stories live. Discover now