I went with my gut and followed him into the cottage. About fifteen minutes later, Finn arrived.

"I thought you said he left." He said as soon as he walked through the door.

"I thought he'd left and then, you will never guess what he did." I reported.


"He jumped right in front of my car and I hit him!" I said wondering if he would believe it. It sounded pretty ridiculous like who would jump in front of a car.

"He did?!" My brother looked at McLain incredulously who nodded with a proud grin. Finn laughed and bumped fists with Mr McLain.

I rolled my eyes. "Dimwits." I mumbled.

"Did it hurt?" Finn asked leaning against a couch. There was a small kitchen and a living room in one space and almost hidden was a door which I assumed led to the bathroom and bedrooms.

"It did at first but she didn't hit me too hard so it stung for about fifteen minutes. I was awesome!" Then McLain glanced at me. "She totally lost it though."

"I didn't loose it. It was a perfectly normal reaction. I thought I had killed someone!" I defended myself hotly. I was totally justified for my reaction.

Both guys laughed and I felt oddly outnumbered.

I stood up from the couch arm I was sitting on and walked over to McLain and punched him with all my might in the chest.

"Ouch!!" I screamed shaking my fist. Damn, it was like hitting a rock.

"Santana!" Finn said grabbing my self injured hand. "Why did you hurt yourself?" He asked examining my hand which was starting to turn an angry red.

"She was trying to hurt me." McLain said with an amused look. "You might not want to try that again." He told me.

"You think?" I spat sarcastically. "Are all werewolves rocks?"

He chuckled. "Yeah, mostly." He eyed my poor hand. "It doesn't look broken but you might wanna put some ice on that."

"Really?" Again with the sarcasm.

He smirked then the walked to the fridge to get some ice. Coming back, he handed the ice to Finn who pressed it on my hand. I squirmed in pain.

McLain suddenly looked at his watch then turned serious. "We don't have much time, let's get down to business." He said sitting down.

I took the ice pack from Finn then we both sat down too and waited for him to start talking.

"We have a leader a Queen if you may or a Chief as I told you yesterday. She is absolutely magestic. You know there is something about her that just demands respect." He was smiling as if he could see her right in front of him. "She's like the best person you can think of. She's awesome - literally. Everyone adores her."

He paused for a moment his face growing dark. "Twelve years ago, she disappeared and I can't tell you the amount of chaos it caused. It was as if the whole system had collapsed."

"Was she...killed?" I asked in a whisper.

"No. She's was kidnapped. We have been searching for her for about three years now." He replied.

"Three years? Why didn't you start searching sooner?" Finn asked.

"We thought she was dead but it came to our attention recently that she wasn't. Its very important that that we find her." McLain said looking right into my eyes.

"But you have been searching for three years what makes you think you will find her now?" I asked.

"We couldn't find her because the Guardians were incomplete. When Guardians come together, they gave their maximum power and with that power combined. We will definitely find the Chief."

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