ᴇɪɢʜᴛʏ - ᴛᴡᴏ

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Dammit—ignore it, Blaine.

You need to get yourself out of this.

Despite the most inward cries of desperation, Blaine moved both of his hands, using them each to establish a couple of rocks that were foundational enough to rest his body weight on top of. With the feeling of vibrations on his side and the sound of racketeering, two were found fairly quickly.

To prepare himself, he tipped his jaw down and hooked his bottom teeth on his t-shirt, pulling it up a few times to give it a bundled feeling—he needed something stuffed between his teeth as a makeshift gag, and even though it was thin and useless, it was better than nothing.

Blaine shut his mouth tightly and pressed against the ground; his screams muffled ever-so-slightly as he did his best to pull his lower back and injured legs out from the rubble that was not only killing him slowly, but trapping him—leaving him left for dead if he didn't try.

Halfway out and feeling optimistic, a sudden fright passed his cheeks as the sound of falling and shoved rocks off to his side brought him out of his self-made world of pain and back into the reality of the real one.

"Who's there!?" he called out without thinking.

His voice echoing off the grey concrete was the only response granted to him. And for some reason, after all he just went through, the goal of why he was here in the first place finally manifested in his frontal lobe, reminding him that he had shared this journey with more than just himself.

Raising his head once more, he stared at the now blocked-off escape door he had been sprinting toward with Eden when the bombs went off. The thought process of it all had him turning around quickly, only to swear at himself for acting stupid, before realizing the revelation behind him was worth every ounce of pain.

A wall of stones, probably about as tall as the former ceiling had completely blinded him to the other side of the room—the same one where two of his teammates had unintentionally been tethered to when everything fell apart.

My sister—fuck, my sister!

Where the hell is my sister!?

"Franki!" he yelled, once again, not thinking.

The grasp of real life and the situation had finally broken dawn in his head. He stopped caring about the logistics of it all—nor did he adequately think about the potential harm he could be pressing onto his person as a result of his ricocheting, screaming voice.

"Frank, where are you!?"

Pulling and dragging his body out more and more, Blaine hardly had space to realize that he had completely withdrawn himself from under the rock and had now been moving without an anchor. It wasn't until he was sitting with his legs on either side of him, head above the plateau of rocks, did he truly understand he was the only one left.

Or not.

Whipping his head to the side—that idea flushed from his mind.

Rising up from underneath a bed of shrapnel metal and a cage of stone that had no match for her talents, a small pair of hands flung into the air, shoving away a rock, revealing another warm body from the depths of her unwanted, hidden dungeon.


At the last second, he stopped himself, drawing his head back just a tad. He understood well enough that the moment blood touches oxygen, it becomes oxidized—turning the coloring of it from a bright red to a muddy brown. Letting his mind slide over that fact, it took a second for the face of the woman in front of him paired with dark hair to be explained.

𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang