🕊 ♪Songbird♪ 🕊 (The Jon x G/N Human Reader)

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🌼 Fic includes 🌼
- Reader who is sensitive to loud sounds.
- Fluff
| Your P.O.V <3 |
I trudged through the thick crowds inside the zoo. I could be exaggerating but it felt as if I was packed in with strangers like sardines. The zoo was what I would describe as lively, all that I hated. I hated big crowds, I hated loud sounds, but it was all worth it. All worth it to see him, the love of my life. I could bare it for one day, right?

"S'cuse me." I muttered softly, pushing myself through the crowd in an effort to get closer to the front. The band had already started playing, I felt bad being late. I looked up to see him, The Jon. I knew he had been waiting for me as soon as he had spotted me down in the crowd.

| 3rd person P.O.V <3 |

The Jon's optics brightened, steam hissing from his cheeks, he knew he had to stay focused but he was ever so happy to see them. Rabbit, who was on the other side of the stage leaned down a bit to the side comedically, one of her eyebrows raising. "Jon!? Earth to Jon, do you copy?" She had said while waving her forearm up and down in order to get his attention, the crowd laughing at the sight. Jon snapped back to reality, fixing his posture, head whipping to Rabbit. "No Rabbit I don't think I do." He looked back to the crowd who was laughing once again. (Y/N) had covered their ears a bit, it was a lot more louder this time in the zoo. The Spine strummed his guitar once. "Well er' Rabbit, what do you suppose we play next?" The Spine asked her. She turned and looked at The Spine and back at the crowd, repeating this action a few times before stopping, the crowd emitting soft giggles. She reached down into her bag, grabbing her kazookaphone and stood back up straight, turning her head to Micheal, winking.
| Your P.O.V <3 |
The crowd was only getting louder and louder. I jolted a few times with their loud voices, shuddering a bit too. I plugged my ears a bit, not too much so I could still hear the band, but it felt all too much. I saw Jon notice me like this, I saw something in his eyes. He gave Rabbit a signal and set down his bass, heading off the stage, the song continuing without him. I looked around confused before I felt a metal hand grab the sleeve of my shirt and yoink me into a bush, i squeaked loud.
It was the Jon. He kept a finger over his mouth, slowly smiling, that smile following to a wide grin. He latched his arms around me, it felt like heaven. I hugged back as tight as I could. "Missed you." He whispered softly in my ear, looking at me. I mouthed a 'Me too.' and smiled wide. His optics looked to the left before looking back at me, grabbing my hand and sneaking outside of the bush. It was silent for a little until we made it behind a snack joint. He breathed in and looked at me. "I love you so much!" He squealed, latching onto me hard, I could barely breathe! "J-Jon..tight!" I swatted his head playfully. He giggled, pulling away, hands till on my shoulders. Steam hissed out of his neck, optics admiring my presence. "I'm so, so sorry for the crowd today, love. I had no idea it'd be this packed." His right hand moving to my cheek, caressing it with his thumb softly. "Hey, hey, you're good! It was inevitable, Saturdays are always busy days at the zoo." I put my hand on his wrist. "What matters is, we have time together now." He grinned, removing his hands. His head signaled to the left. "Follow." He smiled jogging away, I followed.

The Jon had stopped at a black ladder, putting his left leg on, grabbing onto the nearest rail. "Be careful, birdie." He said, looking down at me. I nodded in response, climbing up with him. He hopped up quickly to the roof, turning around and grabbing my hands to help me up. "Oh wow..." I sighed, looking around. "A sight to behold hm?" The Jon said. "It's the tallest building at the zoo, I come here from time to time." He smiled. I took small steps, admiring the bright stars. The Jon stepped closer, a hand placed on my shoulder, reaching down to my waist, holding me close. "Pretty..." I muttered, softly giggling. "Not as pretty as you." He looked down at me and smiled. "Cheesy." I smiled and softly nudged him. He removed his arm from my waist and carefully sat down, scooting over to the edge. He looked over at me. "You coming?" He said. I smiled and walked over crouching down, sitting down next to him. "No, no," he patted his lap. "Here." He insisted. I sheepishly smiled, slowly moving over, he helped me over carefully, wrapping his arms around me once I was sat in the middle of him.
I felt...safe.
I slowly leaned back onto his chest, closing my eyes. The breeze was lovely, he was lovely. Everything was going great, just how I hoped. The Jon rested his head on top of mine, kissing me softly. "I'm sorry we don't get a lot of time together.." He said with guilt. "Jon..it's not your fault," I hummed, "We both have busy lives, but, it's moments like these that give us something to await for, something we can cherish." The Jon sucked in a breath. "I know we both would like for this to be an everyday and all the time thing, but it can't be that way. But that's okay, I've accepted that. The time we get together is like heaven to me, life for me may be kind of eh, but with you it gives me a big highlight. Something..to look forward to." I said.
The Jon's grip tightened. "I love you so much songbird.." he closed his eyes. "I love you too, Jon." I smiled, my hand moving up to touch his metal plated face, then moving to play with his pretty, golden locks. He pulled me down gently, laying down on the roof, me on his chest. A big hiss of steam emitted from his cheeks, I felt the core beneath his button up heat up.
It was Rabbit, speaking from her megaphone. "Get down from there! L-Last thing we need is for you to fall and bust into a million pieces! You'd be like a r-r-ro-robotic jigsaw puzzle! We had to end the show without cha' Y'know!"
The Jon sighed a puff of steam, I gently rolled off of him and scooted up higher. I crouched and helped him stand back up. He looked at me, frowning. "I know.." I whispered. He pulled my face in and kissed me, I moved closer, hugging him.
"Ah-Ahem!" Rabbit said obnoxiously.
The Jon sighed pulling away. He looked so sad, as if almost he was gonna cry. I sighed and leaned into his ear. "I'll stay with you tonight." I said. His optics flashed brightly and he grinned ever so widely, I knew he was holding in a scream. I smiled and grabbed his hand, squeezing it softly.
"Hurry it lovebirds!" Rabbit teased.
"We'll be down in a second!" Jon said back, Rabbit laughing.
We both rushed down carefully. The Jon hopped off and gently grabbed me by my waist and pulled me off, turning me around to look at me. "Thank you.." Jon said, trying not to squeal. "Anytime." I kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand, catching up with rabbit
🌼 I had fun writing this tbh, I wanna write more about Jon so this might get a part two! If you have any requests, please request on the first chapter
Word count - 1339

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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