Result #2 - What will you do? [Random Adventure]

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You decided to:
Gracefully accept defeat and offer congratulations.

You can't see the face beyond the mask, but it sounds like they're smiling.

"You're not so bad yourself. It's rare to see someone who can actually hold their own out here. Most people talk big, but when it comes down to it... Thugs and bandits usually, but they're mostly harmless on their own."

They lean against the scythe, then sound a little more serious when they speak again.

They lean against the scythe, then sound a little more serious when they speak again

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"...What are you doing out here, anyway?"

You get to your feet, a little stiff and sore, and start to brush yourself off with a shiver. The air starts to get chillier as the night draws in and cold winds from the Southern desert begin to pick up.

While this wasn't on your schedule, your original plan was to...


1. Travel the world and see the sights
2. Seek fame and glory
3. Start a new life in a new city
4. Gain riches and treasure
5. Go on an adventure
6. Go wherever the wind takes you
7. Try to find something specific


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