Result #1 - What will you do? [Random Adventure]

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Your battle axe slips from your grasp as you fall to your knees. You grimace and cough up a little blood as your opponent looks on.


You beat your fist against the ground.

Twice now, you've been bested in single combat by the one who stands before you. How could this be? You glance up at the masked fighter and the large, jagged, blood-covered scythe they wield. Your battle axe should have had the advantage here, so how could you lose? Did you miscalculate..? Or maybe it's them; are they more powerful? More skilled?

It doesn't matter now. It was close, but in the end, they remain armed, and in a position to strike again, if they so choose. All that's left for you to do now is...


1. Gracefully accept defeat and leave
2. Gracefully accept defeat and offer congratulations
3. Ungracefully reject defeat with a torrent of abuse and swearing
4. Reject defeat and vow to get your revenge someday


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