Mission End?

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(To keep up)
It stops struggling, and it lies on the ground panting. I look at it, eye to eye and I say "That's right. You're mine now."

Some good shit this chapter I guess. Honestly, cant tell lmfao. Anyway ENJOY! WAIT, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE READS AND VOTES! YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY! The support is amazing! <3


Any Na'vi that speaks will look like this
and Jake as a Avatar will look like this
While everything else is just normal!


(Jake Sully's POV)

I finally got my Ikran under control. Y/N said that the first flight seals the bond and told me to think fly. Honestly, everything about that was crazy, but Im happy I got it under control. Y/N's also proud of me, which I didn't know I'd also be happy about. The hunters that were there cheered for me, but Tsu'tey told them to shut up, bitch. Y/N also rode with me and we had lots of fun, his smile is amazing by the way. Gives me a sense of hope. I might not be a horse guy, but this, this I'm meant to do. Y/N and I have been flying a lot, even joking around it's each other.

One day though, Y/N takes me to a rib cage looking thing, inside is a tree. Grace says that it's the soul tree, their most sacred place. Grace, Norm, Trudy and I sit in front of a computer looking at the soul tree while she explains what it is, "See the Flux a vortex I'm these false color images?" I just stare while Trudy replies "Yeah. That's what messes up my baby." Grace looks back at her while she says this and continues, while looking back "There is something really interesting going on in there biologically." She crosses her arms and looks at the images more, before stating "I would die to get samples." While looking at me hope in her eyes, I stare back. I don't say anything so Grace moves on "Outsiders are strictly forbidden to even go close to the tree. In fear they would ruin it." See stops for a second "You lucky swine." Guessing she's talking about me.

Y/N and I are flying again, it was so peaceful. Until a big Ikran comes from above, I've been told about these. They attack from above to catch their prey off guard. I see the shadow of the creature and yell, "Dive!" Both of us dive down and the thing follows us into the forest. The only reason why we lost it is because it got stuck in some vines that stopped it from coming any further.

We both on a tree, Y/N saying some confronting things to his Ikran. Though, I look over to him, smiling. He's wide eyed and smiling as well. His eyes go back down and I smile more at him, he throws his head back and starts laughing, I also start laughing. Y/N's so beautiful man..

That night he takes me to a Ikran skull, it's huge. I go up to it, touching it. "Our guys call it a Great Leonopteryx." I stop touching it, Y/N, who's beside me says "It is Toruk, last shadow." There's a pause and I look up at the skull, "Yeah right. That's the last thing you'll ever see." I jump onto a rock

Y/N soon after does so as well, he starts speaking "My grandfather's grandfather was Toruk Macto," I look at him while he continues "Rider of Last Shadow." I smile and look back to the skull, "He rode this?" Y/N also looks at the skull "Toruk choose him. It has only happened five times since the time of the First Songs." Holy- "That's a long time." He looks at me and nods "Yes. Toruk Macto is mighty," he stops smiling and looks down "He brought all the clans together in a time of great sorrow." He looks back at me "All Na'vi people know the story.."

Everything is so backwards. It feels like when I'm in my Avatar, it's the true world. But when I'm in this body? It just feels like a dream, one where I want to wake from and go to my real world. I get down from the pod and get my legs into my wheelchair, I look at them for a second and sigh. I look at the camera "It's really hard to believe it's only been three months. I can barely remember my life on Earth. Or even here without thinking of the Na'vi and being in my Avatar. I really don't know who I am anymore.." I look at myself in the mirror and shave.

Neytiri's Brother (A Jake Sully x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now