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Getting Straight into it!

This chapter is mostly going to be Jake arriving to Pandora and first getting into his Avatar. So Y/N most likely won't be in this chapter. Expect this chapter to be long!! Cause there is lots to uncover.

Also, any Na'vi that speak will look like this
and Jake as a Avatar will look like this
While everything else is just normal!



(Jake Sully's Pov)

When I open my eyes, I seem to be in some kind of capsule. Last thing I remember was me beating the shit out of some guy at the bar then being kicked out of said bar. Then, being told my brother has died and I had to come to a different plant to replace my brother. Honestly can't remember much after that.

I then start moving. Next thing I know, all I see is bright light and I go blind. Though, soon my eyes adjust and I look around seeing a worker.. Im guessing and I say "Are we there?" god my voice sounds so hoarse and unused. The worker looks over and smiles down at me saying "We're there, Sunshine." As soon as they say this lots of other capsules open up and everyone starts emerging and starting to undo their straps that are holding them down from floating away.

While this all is happening I hear someone over a comm say "People, Welcome to Pandora. You have been in cryo for 5 years, Nine months, and twenty two days. You will be hungry, you will be weak. If you feel the need to puke please use the sacks that are provided for you. The crew thank you beforehand."

God damn that's a long fucking time. Should have expected it honestly, this planet is pretty far from Earth. I take off my straps and start heading to the lockers. Grabbing the stuff I need. Once everyone has done this a worker leads me to a ship, everyone getting on and we start heading to the base.

After... I don't know how long we make it to base and the crew chief starts saying "Exopacks on people!" everyone does so but I'm still trying to figure out how to get out of these straps.

The chief then says "Remember people, you lose those masks, you're unconscious in 20 seconds and dead in 4 minutes. Let no one die today.. it looks back on my report!" he then stops close to me and says "Exopacks on! Lets go!" I finally get out of these straps and put on my exopack.

Once the ship starts landing, everyone starts grabbing their bags, ready to get off. I try not to look up much, sense everytime I do, all I see is someone else's ass. The gate opens and the chief says "Go straight to the base! Do not stop, go straight inside!"

Some really long minutes of bullies, and big ass trucks. I finally make it to base. Theres a little safety briefing and I finally start heading to the lab. Out of no where someone walks up to the side of me and says "Hey, you're Jake right? Tom's brother? Wow, you look just like him!" yeah no shit, I think that's how identical twins work. I just looks at him "Oh! Sorry, I'm Norm Spellman, I went through Avatar training with him!" Norm then holds out his hand for me to shake and I take it.

"He was a great guy... funny. It was a big shock to all of us." all I could say to this was "Yeah." I start pumping my wheelchair more to try and get more ahead and Norm just catches up with me and adds "-And duh! Of course you look like him! Did you weren't genetically identical you wouldn't be taking over his avatar!"

"The whole reason why I'm here." I answered. Norm looks down at me asks "uh.. do you want to see it?"

Norm and I then walk into a Lab and someone states "Me and norm were out here to create these bodies called Avatars! They are made from both DNA from humans and the native people that live here."

I then look over at look at blue bodies that are in some type of water. Damn these are so big.. "Damn. They got big." some things were said, honestly couldn't hear what was said until someone said "You should take them for a spin!"

Right then, the avatars faces turn to them and one stood out to me. The one that looked so close to Tom and I's face.. "It looks just like him." I say, someone else says to me "Nope! It looks like you and now its yours Jake." They then tell me that I got to start these videologs, and that leads us up to now..

I then look over to the side and ask "So.. I can say anything on these videologs?" Norm looks over and says "Yep! Got to get into the habit of videologging everything you feel, see and learn. It's all for the science!"

I look back into the camera and say "Ha, here I am.. Doing Science," I then add "I've never been in a lab before." the other guy that I have now learned his name to be Max says "Log off. It's time for you to meet your boss for the next five years." I log off of my computer, and we start heading to the other lab where all of the capsules are to get into the avatars. Norm is talking about my boss named Grace Augustine, we walk into the lab and we hear someone yell "Who's got my goddamn cigarette?!" Max says something like this is Grace honestly thought shed be different. She and Norm start speaking in this planets native speak, pretty sure the native here are called 'The Na'vi'

Max then tries to introduce me but Grace cuts him off "Yes, I know who you are but I don't need you. I need your brother." she then proceeds to ask me all these questions about training. and NO I having has any training for this, I only found out I was doing it a few YEARS ago. She then stops in front of Max after her rant and growled "You see? You see?! They're pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain!"

(A Few days later because, even for myself. this is getting boring as hell. So We are going to skip to where Jake starts getting chased)

FUCK FUCK FUCK.. How could I have lost them! Now I'm gonna be stuck here. GOD DAMN IT. I still can't believe I even lived through that. Though, it's getting cold. I take off my jacket and wrap it around a stick I found and put on some.. tree sap? I don't know what it is but I take out my matched and light it up. Through all of this I felt like I was being watched. Not long after lighting up my makeshift torch, I hear growling...


Words: 1165

That was really long, but I promise from now on there will be more of the Na'vi. Also, Y/N will be doing everything that Neytiri did in the movie! Though Jake will love Neytiri for a little, it won't sitck when he starts falling for Y/N! Anyway, chapter 2 may come out a few hours after this! 2 chapters in a day! I havent done that before.

The next chapters will be longer, and have more of the Na'vi and shit!

have a great night/morning/afternoon!

Neytiri's Brother (A Jake Sully x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now