The inception

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Izuku was being attacked again, he was being tormented by his sister and her friends but today would be different. Izuki had managed to take some chemistry equipment and he had also obtained Izumi's blood when she was sleeping, put the two together and add weeks of work and Izuku believed that he had made something that he believed would give him Izumi's quirk temporarily.

"I am warning you, stop before you get hurt." Izuku said as his tormentors approached him.

"What are you gonna do you fucking Deku!?" Katsuki asked aggressively. Izuku then took a small vial out of his pocket, it was filled with a deep green liquid.

"What is that?" Izumi asked. Izuku then drank the liquid and nothing happened. Katsuki then punched Izuku and Izuku fell over. As soon as Izuku made contact with the ground a burst of invisible force pushed his tormentors back, a wide smile formed on Izuku's face.

'It works, now I can be a hero... do I want to be a hero, if this is how the quirkless are treated then... heroes... might be the bad guys.' Izuku thought to himself as Shoto launched a wall of ice at him, with a flick of his wrist Izuku used Izumi's quirk to shatter the wall of ice and launched the shards of ice back at shoto.


Izuku was walking home and as he was passing under a bridge a sewer grate near him began to leak some kind of sludge, then the sludge wrapped itself around Izuku and began to force itself into his mouth while saying things like "You'll make a great meat suit." And "You're a real hero to me kid." The sludge stopped saying those things when Izuku began to force the sludge out of him using Izumi's quirk. He was doing well when a manhole burst open and in a gust of wind the sludge disappeared.

"You had me scared there for a second." This was said by a muscular man who had emerged from the manhole.

"A-All Might, why are you here?" Izuku asked.

"I was chasing that villain and lost him in the sewer system." All Might replied.

"All Might, I have a question."

'Ah shit, here we go again.'

"Can I be a hero without a quirk."

"Well, It's a dangerous job, what if you got hurt? So no, you can't be a hero without a quirk."

"What about heroes like Eraserhead? He fights quirkless."

"You can't be a hero without a quirk!" And in a puff of smoke All Might became Toshinori Yagi.

"D-dad... why... I found a way, it works!"

"Izuku, no! You cannot become a hero." And Izuku turned and ran back to his home.

'I need my notes, if I can get my notes and run then I will be fine... just fine.' Izuku opened the front door of his home and went upstairs to his room. He then looked around his room which was filled with things from when he was younger as his parents had ignored him for years, the only new things were some chemistry equipment which Izuku had stolen from his school and fourteen notebooks, thirteen of said notebooks had details about heroes while the final notebook contained information on making chemicals that can grant quirks. His family didn't know about this. Izuku grabbed notebook fourteen before looking around, this place reminded him of his torture and his neglect, he then tore an All Might poster off of the wall and he then smashed the window and used the blood that coated his lacerated hand to write a message to his family "no longer my hero". Izuku then climbed out of the shattered window and ran.

{Five minutes later}

Izumi, Inko and Toshinori rushed into Izuku's room because Izumi said that Izuku had somehow gotten her quirk.

"Are you very sure that he used your quirk?" Inko asked.

"Yes, he had something and then he drank it and he started using my telekinesis." Izumi replied.

"What did he do?" Toshinori asked.

"He attacked me and my friends." Inko and Toshinori looked surprised as they opened the door to Izuku's room.

"What does this mean?" Inko asked.

"Why is his All Might poster in the floor? Why is his window broken?" Toshinori asked.

"M-m-maybe he was k-kidnapped." Inko said as her voice shook. Izumi remained silent.

"We should call the police." Toshinori tried to reassure Inko.

Izuku The Biohazard VillainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon