Chapter 16, Close Enough

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sorry for not updating on Wednesday and Thursday! I was busy with homework n shit, ill js do my homework at my first period bcuz I wanna enjoy my free time ong

also happy black history month!!

long ass chapter btw👍


Wednesday POV

It was 6:00AM, Im pretty sure it was Wednesday, thankfully we had no school today, at-least I didn't think so. If we did Enid would be awake by now, at least I think.

I sat at my desk, pondering on about things, I was supposed to be writing about almost, 5 hours ago but my thoughts caught me, Thing was on my desk but seemed to be asleep, I have never seen him sleep so I wouldn't necessarily know.

Sometimes she forgets to set her alarm, I usually am her alarm now, unfortunately. I have been dwelling on about Xavier, being a somewhat killer.

I thought of the feelings I had for him and I thought they were strong, I kept denying it, but I couldn't. I was getting closer and closer to him ever since the start of the year, I really liked it but I didn't want anyone to be that close to me.

Theres a limit and I feel as if I should draw it by now, but I cant, why? I figured I grew even more trust issues from the events of last year but I think I have been experiencing more emotions, than ever before.

I started to think the emotions had a hint of romance, I denied it almost immediately and thought of something else to ignore it, successfully it worked, I haven't thought of my feelings for about 30 minutes, until now.

"Wednesday?" Enid muttered in confusion, I turned around in my chair, facing her bed. She sat up slowly, squinting her eyes as she looked at me, her eye brow raised, "Why are you up at 6? I thought you woke up at 7?" Enid asked softly, her voice sounded lighter, most likely because she had just woken up.

"I wasn't tired." I said, bluntly. She nodded, "Im gonna sleep for another hour or two, wake me up till then." She muttered, I just nodded as she layed back down, We start school at 8, so we obviously didn't have school if she was asking to be woken up at 9, or earlier.

I was suddenly starting to turn a bit tired, although I couldn't bring myself too, I don't know why. If I really wanted to figure out whats going on with my feelings, Id like to speak to Enid about it, she knows a lot about feelings.

I heard a ding from my phone, I forgot to silence it, I was just about to when I realized a got a message from Xavier, why was he up at 6 in the morning?


U up?

I opened the message and messaged him back,



He wrote back almost immediately 


Me and Ajax stayed up all night trying to get leads, I think we have one, can you come over real quick? For like 10 mins at most. Swear.

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