Chapter 11, Late

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This chapter isn't gonna be spaced out like other chapters until I found out how I'm sorry!! Also I was gonna write on Wednesday I even wrote it all out but then my phone broke so now I'm on a laptop!!!! And its very complicated omg😭


Wednesday POV

My heart was pounding, loudly. I felt as if my breathe was just about to run out, I put my hand over my chest, taking a deep breathe trying to calm myself, I don't know why I was so... anxious.

I finally got myself all together, the police sirens got closer and closer, I decided to get up and see the body. No other sounds were made so I guessed the murderer was gone by now.

I got up, Immediately seeing the dead pale body, the arm looked like it was reaching out to the phone on his right, the body was bleeding out and the head was facing the phone, on his right.

The sirens seemed to be right next to me, I looked back at the road, then back at the body. I ran off quickly, I didn't analyze the body any farther and just ran back to the shed, Xaviers shed.

In hopes he would possibly be there, I banged on the door and it finally opened, it was lit by warm yellow lights, "Woah, Wends, you alright? You look pale- you usually do- I mean not in a mean way-" Xavier said, I just walked past him, pushing his shoulder, he closed the door in confusion.

"You okay?" Xavier asked again, "I just witnessed a murder." I said blankly, I was pretty sure I hid my emotions well, usually I didn't really have a reaction to dead body's but my stomach felt as if I was swallowing it, I was uncomfortable and uneven.

Xavier went silent, either he didn't know what to say or he was imagining it, "What..?" Xavier asked, his smiled faded, "I don't know, I just heard a man screaming and-" I was cut off, "Are you hurt!?" He almost sounded more worried about me than the man who got killed.

"Yes, I was to late to help him, he was already being stabbed when... I got there." I was put off thinking about it again, the police sirens started to get louder and louder, I felt as if my world was ending, Xavier said something but I didn't answer.

I could hear my name come from him, faintly. I didn't bother to even look at him. I wanted to run, run back to Nevermore. I felt unsafe, I don't know whats going on with me.

"Wednesday!" Xavier shouted finally snapping me back into reality, for some reason I felt like I wanted comfort, I never do it makes me feel weird and awkward. "Are you alright?" He asked, getting closer, he looked like he was filled of concern, "Sorry, I just spaced out." I said, "You sure? You looked like you were having an anxiety attack." He said, he smiled a bit, warmly. It was obvious he just wanted to comfort me but I didn't know how to react.

"Im fine, sorry." I apologized again, why was I apologizing so much? "Its fine Wends. It's normal, I have anxiety attacks a lot," He reassured me, but I still felt different. I always felt different however, from everyone else.

I than heard light crys from a kitten, similar to Cheshires. "Oh! Forgot to tell you, Cheshire is here, I guess he was sleeping." Xavier smiled, looking around to see where Cheshire was.

"There you are!" Xavier smiled, bending down and picking Cheshire up, holding him up high as if he were a trophy, then holding him like a baby in his arms, Cheshire didn't even care. I sat down, putting my back against some box, I was basically curled up.

Xavier sat next to me, not so close however, he place Cheshire down in-between us and Cheshire just sat, "Sorry you witnessed a murder, if you want you can just be here, im just gonna be drawing." Xavier smiled warmly, he was a very welcoming person, I felt comfortable around him at the moment.

"Thank you, but I should go back to Nevermore," I said, looking at him, I didn't really want to go back to Nevermore but I said it in order to not be a bother to him. "You sure? You can stay, with Cheshire!" Xavier smiled, It was comforting surprisingly so I gave in, "Alright." I said, looking down at my lap, I moved my legs down instead of against my chest.

(Next day bcuz this part was boring as shit, I know I said I don't know how murderers think but I have a new plot!!🤗💀)

Xavier POV

I woke up in my shed, I slept on the desk, I was laying my head on my arm, it was very uncomfy, I don't understand how I even slept here. I got up off the chair and grabbed my messenger bag that hung on my coat hanger, I put my notebook in it, and a few pencils, and my book.

I looked behind me and saw Cheshire and Wednesday, I thought she had already left by now. I saw my phone on my desk, I grabbed it and turned it on, It was 8:47, I was late for class. "Shit, Wends! Wake up! Were late!" I said, trying to wake up Wednesday.

She woke up and her eyes grew a bit bigger, "What time is it?" she asked, she seemed calm but also tired. "8 in the morning, almost 9!" I said, she got up quickly, Cheshire woke up and walked over to his bed in the corner which also had his two food bowls.

Normally I was always late, I had about 20 missing assignments already, although it was just the second month of school, I normally didn't care either, but Wednesday would. "I gotta get to my dorm, see you later?" I smiled, putting my bag over my shoulder.

"yeah, see you." she said, I almost jogged back to Nevermore, I came to my 3rd period at 9, which was when the bell was about to ring, I rushed into my classroom, I changed clothes in time to just get here, I guess nobody noticed I wasnt here for 2 periods, I sat down at my desk and took out my notes, I always have to take notes in Plants and Magic.

The Teacher was writing on the board, others were settling down. I looked over to the desk right beside me, there was the two guys that hate me, Nathan and Quinn, they flipped me off when they noticed I was looking, I rolled my eyes and looked back at the teacher, Ms, Roosevelt.

Finally school finished, I was walking outside in the lunch area, looking at my phone listening to music. "Xavier!" I took out my AirPod to see who was calling me, it was Kent, I smiled lightly, what did he need? "I was looking around for you everywhere dude!" he said, out of breathe, I stood confused. "You alright?" I laughed.

"Mhm! I was gonna ask you if you were gonna come with me, Ajax, Lucife, Raven, and Adonis later, at the Fest," He said smiling widely, catching his breathe, "Fest?" I asked, there was a Fest? 

"Yeah! Fall Fest? Didn't you hear, everyone was talking about it, this whole month dude!" Kent exclaimed, I wasn't told about it, maybe I just hadn't listened. "Uhm, sure I guess." I shrugged, "Great! cya then!" Kent waved off, walking away then running. He sure is energetic today.


more of Xaviers POV soon, a bit complicated to explain but you'll see😭

ALSOO im trynna finish this fanfic rlly soon bcuz I want write another story so Ill update more often since I think its a bit annoying to be updating this on such bad times.

sorry for any grammar mistakes! also please leave feedback on my writing because I need it badly bro🙏

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