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jake sat through his class the next day, zoning out because of his tiredness. the only thing keeping him awake was the thought of the test that he was about to take.
while their professor was explaining some things, jake was busy going over whatever he learned in his head.

it was a little hard but he managed to feel a little more confident going into the test, he started to realize that he didn't study for that long the other day only to fail.


"that was the easiest test i've ever taken." jake stated as he walked to his car with daniel walking close by him.
this was a first or at least the first in a while, he hardly saw daniel on campus..

daniel smiled and shook his head, "wow that's new. i'm so proud of you!" daniel said sarcastically, patting his friends back.
jake only rolled his eyes and pulled out his keys from his pocket once they arrived at his car, ignoring what daniel said.

"i guess this is goodbye." jake said, acting dramatically all of a sudden. he held his hand to his heart and stared off into the parking lot.

daniel scoffed and hit the back of his head, snapping jake out of his trance.
"jake i'm sorry to break it to you- but i don't think you should ever get an acting career.. i don't think you'd succeed." daniel patted his shoulder reassuringly. jake laughed and shook his head as he opened his door, too tired to argue it.

"okay, if you say so."


jake didn't have anything else to do for the day so he planned on going home and shoving in some extra sleep as he was still pretty tired.

that was until he got a phone call from heeseung as soon as he got back to his apartment, he just stepped his foot in the door.
and he hesitantly answered as he took of his shoes.

"what's up heeseung" jake answered the phone, trying to sound as chill as possible and not make it seem like his voice was shaking.

"hi jake! what are you doing right now?"

jake hummed and set his bag down on the counter, he went to sit down on his couch. "right now.. i just finished with class actually. what about you?" jake asked curiously, or he was just trying to make conversation.

"i was wondering if you're free tonight? i wanted to ask you on a date." heeseung asked, he sounded pretty confident which surprised jake because there was no nervousness in his tone. or he was just very good at hiding it.

jake raised his eyebrows to himself, he definitely wasn't expecting that question. "w-what?... a date?" he managed to ask, but he couldn't stop himself from sounded surprised.

heeseung laughed a little though the line. "yeah! i mean, you know i like you now.. and i was hoping to go on an actual date with you as long as you'd be comfortable to go."

"oh.. uh- okay heeseung i'll go! just text me what time you'll be here and i'll be ready." jake quickly answered. of course he wanted to go on a date with heeseung and nothing was really stopping him from doing so.

so why not?

"okay great! bye jake~"

jake let go of a deep breath once he hung up, he didn't realize how nervous he really was during that phone call. but all he knew was that he needed to tell someone about this.


"so why exactly am i here?" jungwon stared at jake with his arms crossed, as if he was mad. but he just looked like he was cutely pouting.

jake shook his head, silently staring back at jungwon.
they currently were at his apartment, sitting on the floor with there legs crossed.
jake didn't know why they decided to sit there but they did, it was pretty quiet for a minute.

"i can't believe you forced me here." jungwon finally said instead of waiting for jake to answer his question.

"ah i did not force you jungwon~ i simply begged you to come because i need your emotional support." jake smiled innocently which only earned a glare from jungwon, jake laughed awkwardly when he saw it.

"i was supposed to go out with jay.. you're lucky i love you because i canceled for you." jungwon said while still looking mad but he ended up just pouting again like a cute baby.

jake sighed and shook his head, sure he felt a little bad but not that bad. "well that was dumb of you. you don't need to stay for long. i just needed advice on what to wear tonight and stuff" jake said honestly, fumbling with his hands.

jungwon stopped being so upset once he heard that but now he looked at jake curiously, "oh? what's tonight?.."

"oh i have a date with heeseung hyung, tonight." jake answered nonchalantly, smiling a little to himself since he could guess exactly how jungwon would react.

jungwons eyes widened and he audibly gasped. "you're going on a date?! with heeseung?? oh my god! im so happy for you!!" jungwon jumped up and went over to jake to wrap his arms around him.

jake giggled but he didn't hesitate to return his hug. they stayed like that for a minute as well until jungwon excitedly pulled away from him, there was smile on his face now.

"why're you so happy?.." jake asked confusingly, although he was feeling pretty pleased with his reaction.
jungwon smiled and sighed contently before moving and sitting right beside him.

"ah jake~ you've never been on a date before. of course i'd be happy for you!" he smiled mischievously which had jake raising his eyebrows at him. "are you sure it's not because it's heeseung that i'm going on a date with?.." jake asked, crossing his arms as if he was disappointed but he already knew.

jake laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck, he shrugged his shoulders. "well.. yeah that's a part of it. it's just... i know heeseung will treat you well! so i'm now an avid shipper of heejake." jungwon giggled cutely and clapped his hands.

jake laughed a bit but then looked at him with a confused stare. "heejake?.. don't tell me that's our ship name?" jake almost bursted out laughing but he stayed sane, only smiling.
jungwon slowly nodded with a bright smile on his face.

"it's cute! anyways... let's go find you an outfit! you have to look good."

"are you saying i don't always look good?" jake asked jokingly, pretending to glare at jungwon.
jungwon only chuckled and shook his head. he pulled jake up with him. "you know i didn't mean that~"


hmm it'll start getting a bit more interesting here soon .. i hope you're enjoying even though this part is boring :D

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