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finally, jake was finished cleaning and all he had to do was wait for sunghoon to arrive, which seemed easy enough.

but he couldn't stay still. it's almost like he drank 5 cups of coffee when in reality, he only just woke up 15 minutes ago.

jake suddenly heard the doorbell when he was standing in the middle of the living room. he was busy walking back and forth but hearing the noise made him stop immediately.

he took a breath and walked over to the door, stopping in front of it for a quick moment.

after considering it, he quickly opened it and smiled nervously at sunghoon who looked perfect, like always.
even if he wasn't trying.

and he was holding a bag of food, he smiled brightly and playfully bowed. "for jake sim?.." he said in a deeper voice which made jake laugh as he was surprised. sunghoon only giggled at his reaction.

"oh right. i almost forgot that i ordered.. its kind of late. do you wanna stay and eat with me?" jake asked, smiling his charming smile. jake didn't know where he got the sudden playfulness from since he was just panicking before he had opened the door.

sunghoon grinned and quickly nodded his head, "i'd like that."


"ah this tastes so good~" jake exclaimed while taking a big bite of the chicken, sunghoon just laughed at him and nodded in agreement as he ate his food.

they were pretty silent while eating and the only noise was the show that jake had put on for them, yet they weren't paying attention since they were busy shoving their faces.

"so i tried to tell my crush that i liked them today." sunghoon said with a blank expression while they started picking up the food and putting it in the bag, jake curiously titled his head at him.

"really? well what happened?" he asked softly as they sat back down on the couch, jake faced him, with a safe distance of course but sunghoon just looked off towards the tv and glanced over at him.

he put a small smile on his face. "ah. well i tried. i really did.. but finally when i had the chance, i chickened out." sunghoon suddenly had a small pout on his lips which had jake smiling stupidly to himself at how cute it was.

jake hummed, "i get that. i still haven't confessed either." he frowned as sunghoon looked over at him and chuckled.
"it's okay. when it's the perfect time, you'll know." sunghoon spoke in a serious tone, yet there was still a small smile on his face.

"i guess you're right."jake mumbled, not exactly paying full attention to his own words but he still said it.

they stayed quiet for a few minutes, sunghoon half paying attention to the show and his thoughts. while jake was solely focusing on the boy beside him.
his thoughts were stuck on him as well.

'it's okay. when it's the perfect time, you'll know.'

sunghoons sentence was running through his mind,
wouldn't this be the perfect time to say it? but he was busy weighing the pros and cons, really.

he didn't want anything to be awkward. thats what he was most worried about which is weird.
since he would usually be scared about the rejection part, yet here he was. scared that they would be left feeling awkward after.

maybe it was the fact that he now knows he has heeseung instead. especially after that kiss — well he couldn't exactly figure it out.

"hey sunghoon. i have a question." jake broke the silence when something came to his mind, sunghoon quickly looked at him and gave him a small smile. "okay, what is it?"

jake sighed and looked towards the tv, he showed a smile so that it didn't seem serious or that this question related to him at all.

"what would you do if one of your close friends confessed to you?.. it's for a friend."

jake cursed himself for adding the friend part, he thought it sounded stupid.

luckily, sunghoon didn't seem to care much.
he tilted his head and looked towards the ground, in thought. "honestly. it depends on who it'd be. i only have a few close friends. you know.. we're in the same friend group." he laughed softly and looked at jake, making eye contact with him.

this only left the younger a bit speechless, he smiled awkwardly and nodded. sunghoon took it as a sign to continue.
"but.. i think i wouldn't just give up our friendship, like that's a stupid reason to drop someone who you've been close with. sure it'd be a little weird at first but i'd get over it." "it's not like it's the end of the world you know, crushes happen."

jake slowly nodded, taking in the new information.
sunghoon smiled at him,
"i get that hoon. i'll tell my.. friend." jake said trying to sound truthful enough, sunghoon laughed and nodded his head.

jake thought to himself and decided now wasn't the right time, even if sunghoon did make a great point.. it still wasn't time yet for him.


the two hung out for the next hour, laughing over the cringy show they were watching when sunghoon got a text message.

he looked down at his phone and raised an eyebrow while reading it, he looked over at jake with a frown on his face.
"i gotta go. it's getting late."

jake looked at him curiously, he was wondering who would've texted him but he shrugged the thought away. "yeah it is.. thanks for hanging out with me though."

"of course jake. we can hangout again soon. don't hesitate to call me or text me anytime" he smiled happily as jake got up with him and walked him to the door.
jake nodded and smiled back, "of course. drive carefully." he mumbled, waving his hand cutely.

sunghoon chuckled and reached his hand up, ruffiling the slightly shorter boys hair. "ahh how are you so cute jakey~" he said in a cute voice while he stepped out of the door. he smiled once again and waved, then he walked to his car.

jake only stared at him, a smile stuck on his face.
he waved one last time as sunghoon drove away, he closed his door as fast as possible and held his hand over his heart.

"wow why is my heart beating like that?.."

his eyes widened and he gasped dramatically, "oh my god- am i dying?!" he basically yelled at himself, but he knew the real reason of course.

jake always felt his heart race around sunghoon.


i was trying to finish 9 and 10 so that i could publish them both at the same time but.. i figured since i finished this one first, i'll just publish it lol. (10 should be up soon though !)


One sided // jakehoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora