Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?" Charlie sat next to her.

"I heard that you threatened your friend, aren't you?"

"Craig isn't my friend. and yes I did"

"What did you say?"

"I will harm him" Charlie replied.

"With what?"

"A knife or a hammer... but don't get me wrong, I'm trying to scare him" Charlie stated.

"Oh my god, Charlie. Are you aware that if you act on that threatening behavior, even if you intended to scare him, it will make you land in juvenile detention, are you aware of that?"

"He's the one that should be there. It's not my fault that I'm skinny" Charlie simply replied.

"Yeah, I know honey but that's not it" Melissa tried to advise him.

"Bytheway, we'll have a special guest tonight. She wanted to get to know you, she wanted to be your friend.."

"Who?" Charlie seemed lethargic as he was exhausted from meeting new people.

"Someone special" Melissa tried to trick Charlie into believing that it was a friend his age.

"Was it a police officer?" Charlie began to question Melissa.


"Who's that? Please I'm tired" Charlie said as he pulled himself closer to her and lay on her lap. Her motherly instinct hit her; she then stroked Charlie's straight blond hair as his blue eyes glanced at her.

"Don't worry. She's a wonderful person, you'll love her"

"No, please I don't want to meet anyone right now" Charlie pleaded, Melissa sighed. Perhaps pressing Charlie too much wasn't a good idea after all.

"Okay, promise me you won't threat your friend again?"

"I promise" Charlie's sideways smile was more than enough to warm Melissa's soul.

"Fine. You won't be meeting anyone tonight"

"Thank you"

He was so sweet... there is no reason for him to harm anyone...


Melissa texted Ms Martinez, saying she already had a talk with Charlie and that she didn't want her to come over.

7.30 PM

Melissa and Charlie watched TV in the living room after they had dinner. Out of the blue, there's a knock on the door.

"Who's that?" Charlie asked.

"Well.. let me check" Melissa stood up as she walked towards the front door to open it.

"Evening, Lissa"

"Oh Ms Martinez!" Melissa was astonished to learn that Ms Martinez had come over regardless of her text earlier. She didn't have the heart to mention it to her; knowing she's not good at technology; possibly she didn't read it in the first place.

Charlie stood up in anger; he crossed his arms in his chest as both Melissa and Ms Martinez chatted to each other while laughing. Ms Martinez then proceeded to sit on the couch.

"Charlie! Honey!" Melissa called him out as he sprinted towards the hallway.

"Wait a minute Ms Martinez" Melissa said.

"Take your time" Ms Martinez replied.

Melissa made it in front of Charlie's room; it was locked.

"Honey, I swear I told her not to come.. she probably didn't read the message"

"You liar!!!"

"Charlie! Open the door, sweetheart! She won't ask too many questions, she just wanted to get to know you!"

"I won't"

"Charlie.. hear me out" Melissa pleaded.

"Tell her to go home!!" Charlie yelled angrily.

"Charlie!" Melissa pounded on the door, tried to get him to open it, and obeyed her.

Charlie kicked the door harshly and that was enough to scare Melissa. She descended the stairs in a rush, empty-handed as she approached Ms Martinez.

"Sorry Ms Martinez, he's not in the mood right now. I already texted you earlier that you don't have to come over.."

"Oh really? I didn't get your text" Ms Martinez was surprised to hear that.

"Yeah I'm deeply sorry this is all my fault. Apparently I can handle him"

"You can't. I know many cases like this. Call me back if he's ready, I won't press you or him. Have a good night" Ms Martinez stood up as a form that she'll soon leave the house.

"Where are you going Ms Martinez? Just sit here and let's chat"

Ms Martinez chuckled and she sat back down; the two then chatted about child abuse and neglect that lead to violent tendencies in children.


Ms Martinez and Melissa continued to chat in the living room. Charlie couldn't stay silent. He got up from his bed, descended the stairs and tiptoed towards the back door; he then went straight to Ms Martinez's car, which was parked precisely next to the sidewalk in front of his residence. With a pocket knife Charlie secretly stole from Craig's locker as a form of revenge, he slashed Ms Martinez's tires. He then headed back inside the house, and went straight to his room, pretending to be asleep.

8.30 PM

Melissa walked Ms Martinez out of her house, as the two waved their hands goodbye with an immense smile plastered on their faces. She then went back inside her house and closed the door.

"Lissa! Lissa!" Ms Martinez summoned her. Melissa sighed, she then exited her house via the front door and approached frantic Ms Martinez.

"What happened?" Melissa asked.

"Someone slashed two of my tyres!" She said frantically.

"God.." Melissa's heart skipped a beat; could it be Charlie? But it also could be some drunken lunatic who did that since Melissa's residential area was near to a local bar called 'Sleepy Guest'.

"You could have a sleepover in my house Ms Martinez. In the meantime your car should be towed.." Melissa said.

"Oh gosh. I really didn't want to cause you this inconvenience"

"Trust me we're all good"

Ms Martinez and Melissa then headed back inside her house where she called the nearest tow company to take care of her car.

"I really wanted to find who did this to my car.."

"Some drunken lunatic might be responsible. Trust me, Reporting them won't resulted in anything" Melissa tried to get Ms Martinez to change her mind.

"My apologies that I caused all of this mess, Lissa" Ms Martinez sighed in despair.

"Not at all, come on. you could sleep in my room"

"No, thank you, really. I prefer in this comfy couch" Ms Martinez replied.

"Are you sure? I'll give you blanket and pillow"

"Thank you that would be highly appreciated" Ms Martinez smiled warmly.

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