This is Not Goodbye

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Working at a hospital had to be one of, if not the most tiring job in the world.

Sure, Mady had no evidence to back up her claim, but deep down she knew it was true.

It had been a very long time since the woman had been this tired after a shift. The minute she stepped into her apartment, Mady let out a large groan. The day was finally over. Now to catch up on some much needed sleep.

And do it all again tomorrow.


"Long day?"

Mady let out  a small squeak, jumping in place to see someone she'd never in a million years expected to see lounging in her apartment. Nursing a glass of some kind of liquor and leaning against her kitchen island was Nick Fury himself.

"Oh, hey Nick, come on in. Make yourself at home. Could I get you a drink? You've had a rough couple of days. I bet you need one," Mady said, dropping her bag on the table. "You are rocking the beanie look. Let me tell ya. You might be onto something there."

"I'm glad you still have your sense of humor," he took a large swig of whatever he rummaged through her cabinets to find. "I'm here on business."

"I only ever see you when it's about business." she crossed her arms over her chest, knowing the reason why the man was in her apartment. "It's that time, isn't it?"

Nick nodded.

With a huff, Mady went to the coffee table, opened the drawer and pulled out a thin manila folder. A thin manila folder meant just for this. 

"All right, Nick," she handed it to him. "Sign it, and I will start getting everything started. Do I have time to-"

"Yes," he interrupted, holding up one hand while taking the folder with the other. "He's going to come by tomorrow."

"You sent him on a mission already didn't you?" her heart fell. 

Another mission already.

She thought they would have more time.

"I didn't," he answered, pushing the papers back to her. "He and Wilson are doing this on their own."

"He's going after Bucky, isn't he?"

"That's what it sounded like to me. I'm going to need you within the next three weeks. You know where. Will everything be ready by then?"

"Are you kidding? I can have everything ready to go by tomorrow morning if you want me to," she scoffed. "What's your next move?"

"Europe," he answered. "I need to see if there are any bases left. We're going to need all the help we can get if we want S.H.I.E.L.D. back up and running."

"I wish you the best, Nick," she said. 

"You too, Madalyn," he pulled on his jacket. "I'll be seeing you again in three weeks. Let Maria know we've started Upstate, will you?"

"Dumbest name ever," Mady said, watching the man leave. "So, much for not being an agent."


After a decent night's sleep, Mady called her boss telling her she'd come down with something. Mary, being the most wonderful boss anyone could ask for, told her to rest and take as much time as she needed. She had plenty of days built up anyway. 

Step one, check.

After that, Mady sent Maria the message, officially beginning Project Upstate. As she told Fury, the name was stupid and completely obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together. Alas, the woman couldn't do anything about it now.

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