Shit Happens

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Fury was alive.

How that was possible, Steve didn't know.

None of it made sense.

One moment, he and Natasha were running from Hydra agents who somehow infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. For decades it seemed. The next moment, said agents, managed to capture them alongside Sam Wilson. Lastly, Agent Hill saved their asses, bringing them to an underground bunker to where Nick Fury was, in fact, alive.

The whole situation made Steve very, very suspicious.

What else were his so-called friends hiding from him?

"Don't look at me like that, Cap," Fury said from the makeshift bed in the undisclosed bunker. "I am just as surprised as you are, maybe even more."

"I highly doubt that, Nick," he mumbled, placing his hands on his hips. "What are we supposed to do now? Hide down here for the rest of our lives? Cower like a dog with its tail between its legs?"

"What? You don't think I've been thinking of a plan while I was down here getting better? What kind of a man do you think I am?"

"Sir, I would have hoped you were more concerned about getting better than thinking of a way to bring down Hydra," Natasha voiced her opinion. "If you had just brought Rose in on this you would be-"

"We don't need to bring her in for this," Agent Hill interrupted, her eyes darting between her and Steve. "Nick's almost 85%. He'll be fine."

"85% isn't enough! Whatever plan you've made, you play a key role. One that won't be completed if you're at 85%. You could die this time. For real."

"Calm down, Natasha," Nick held a hand up at the group standing before him. "Don't worry. Thanks to Rose, the medicine running through my veins will have me fit as a fiddle in a few hours. Just enough time for you to go over and go over the plan."

"Do you know what they're talking about?" Sam whispered to Steve.

"Not a clue," he answered with a sigh. Just what he needed, more secrets between people he considered to be his friends. When were the lies going to stop? "I need some air."

"Cap!" Sam hollered after him.

"Where's he going?" Agent Hill asked. "He can't go outside. He could expose all of us."

"I don't think he cares right now," Natasha said. "Sam, does Steve still have his phone on him?"

"I think so, too. Why?"

"Because Rogers is about to do something really, really stupid," Natasha turned back to Nick's bedside. "What are the chances that Hydra has Steve's phone bugged?"

"Extremely high," he said. "Stop him before he leads Hydra right to us."

"Damn it, Rogers!"


Why wasn't Mady picking up her phone?

Steve's nerves were getting the best of him as he waited for Mady to answer. There wasn't a reason for him to worry about her. She was hundreds of miles away and safe from this mess, but he still needed to hear her voice. To hear that she was fine and completely unharmed. Unbeknownst to the man, Natasha marched up right behind him, kicked the phone out of his hands, and watched it tumble down the side of the dam.

"What was that for?" Steve exclaimed, glaring at the woman standing beside him. "Do you have any idea what you just did?"

"Do you have any idea what you just did? Hydra most likely bugged your phone, you idiot!" Natasha hissed. "Do you know the danger you have put everyone in? Hell, the danger you could put Mady in! If they can track your phone, who's to say Hydra couldn't track hers, find her and kill her? She's fine, Steve. She's not here. She's safe. We need to figure out the plan and take these guys out."

"You're right," he answered after a long pause. "I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry."

"You're damn right, you're sorry," she sighed. "But it's okay. I understand. Come on, let's hear the plan Nick's got for us. It's probably over the top as usual."


Mady let out a happy sigh as she and Kelly tanned on the beach. Finally, they had time to themselves. Time where they could lay out and enjoy the sun. The pair left the panel over an hour ago and were soaking up as much sun as they could before they were stuck indoors for the next week.

"Aren't you glad I told you to pack a bikini this time?" Kelly sat up, stretching her arms over her head. "You said it would be pointless, but I told you. This is the best conference yet! Hello, hunk at ten o'clock."

"You are married with children, Kel," Mady chuckled, leaning on her elbows. "He is pretty cute though. I bet he's in college. Why are all of the cute ones younger than us?"

"No matter how many times you tell me that, I'm still going to look," Kelly waved as the man passed them by. "There's nothing wrong with looking. You looked, too. Don't tell me you didn't. Uh, have you seen the man you're dating? You shouldn't have to worry about the younger ones being cute."

"I did," she fell back against her towel. "You're right. Steve is much more handsome than any frat boy."

"I bet Steve looks nice in board shorts," Kel moaned, just thinking about it. "I'm not saying Mike isn't attractive in swim trunks, but your man is next level. Think he could talk to Mike about going on some workout plan?"

"Oh, you don't have to tell me. I already know," she smirked. "He looks even better in nothing"

"Don't rub it in," Kelly glanced at her friend's bag. "Speak of the devil, incoming. I bet he misses you. You haven't been gone a week yet."

"Odd," Mady answered her phone. "Hello? Steve?"

The only reply was a dull beeping sound.

"That's strange. I wonder what that was about."

"He didn't leave a voicemail?" Kelly asked.

"Nope," she tossed her phone back into her beach bag. "Maybe he wanted to know how the conference was going."

"Or talk about those risque pictures you sent him," Kelly wiggled her eyebrows towards her friend. "You naughty girl, you. Didn't he say you weren't supposed to send him pics? He got made fun of or something."

"I didn't send him anything."

"Bullshit," an alarm on Kelly's phone buzzed. "Dinner time! I cannot wait to try this place. The reviews online said they have the best seafood in town."

"That says a lot. There are a dozen seafood places on that street alone."

"Well, we're about to find out," Kelly got to her feet, shaking the sand out of her towel. "Don't worry, girl. I'm sure Steve's fine. One more week and you'll be reunited."

"This is going to be the longest week ever."


Happy New Year to all!

A short update to get the ball rolling on the fun stuff now. 
I would like to get this story done relatively quickly, so I can have more time to work on my Merlin story that is currently up on my page. 
Doing so will also give me more time to work on my future Harry Potter and Supernatural stories. 
I think you're going to like them very much. 

Stay tuned!

Stay tuned!

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