Chapter Eight: Not Innocent

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I'm in the armory, surrounded by so many new people that the air feels thick.  I can't stop glancing at my dad, checking every few minutes to see if he's actually there.  He is.  He's real.

I had gone back and collected all of the groups' weapons so they could be stored in the armory like Deanna requested.  Linee and Kai came with me, leaving Jeremy to look after everyone.  Everyone's just as shocked as I am.

Deanna's explains to us when and where we can use our weapons after I told her that only kids age ten and up were able to use firearms.  I'm not really listening.

"Okay, any questions?" Deanna looks at me.

"Nope."  I say a mental goodbye to my bow and arrows, not knowing when these people might let me go on runs.

Deanna gives me a small smile, looking between Daryl and I.  "I'll be at the Monroe house if you need me.". She leaves.

"Is it finally time for introduction?" I ask, looking around at the people that are viewing me like I'm some new present.

Daryl nods and stands up.  "This is Carol." He points to an older looking lady with short hair.  "This is Maggie." Maggie's a pretty woman with brown hair.  "Glenn." Glenn stands next to Maggie, their hands joined together.  "Michonne." Michonne is a pretty woman with darker skin.  She smiles at me.  Michonne holds a young child.  "And that's little ass-kicker, Judith." The only one he didn't re-introduce was Rick.

"We're very happy to have you and your group with us, Ashtyn," Rick says, his hands on his hips.  "Carl can introduce you to some of the other Alexandria kids if you'd like."

"Okay." I put my focus on Daryl.  "Can I talk to you first?"

"'Course," Daryl says, leading me outside.

Suddenly I don't know what to do.  I've waited for this moment for years.  To finally be able to ask my dad why he never found me and what he's been doing all this time has been my dream for the longest time.

I drag the toe of my sneakers in the dirt anxiously.  Then I look up.  "So where have you been?" The question is simply, but it feels like the weight of the world has been lifted off of my shoulders.

Daryl brings his hand up to his face to scratch his nose, thinking.  "I went back for you at the school.  Several times.  I found a group in Atlanta and kept looking for you there.  I tried so hard, Ash.  I really did.  Merle- Uncle Merle he-" Daryl stops for a moment, gathering himself.  "He was there too.  For a bit.  He turned into a walker and I had to kill him.  I'm sorry I never found you sooner, Ash.  I should have tried harder or- or-" He looks away for a moment and then back at me.  "Or I shouldn't have given up."

My lips press together in thought.  I sniff to keep tears from falling.  "It's okay, Daryl- Dad.  It's okay." I know that deep down, I gave up a while ago as well.  "You've found me now.  I'm here now."

He pulls me in for a hug.  I'm not used to so much physical touch, but I accept the hug anyways, just grateful that I'm back with my dad.

He leans back, holding me by my shoulders.  "What happened?  After the school got attacked, what happened?"

"Some of my teachers got me and some other kids on a bus.  Some of the kids from my group now used to go to school with me.  The adults died off, our bus ended up getting destroyed, we traveled, I looked for you, and I never found you until now."  I glance away for half a second.  "I tried too, dad.  These kids, they-" it's my turn to try and get myself together.  "They depend on me.  I'm like their sister.  Or their mom." I get my priorities straight, making sure I don't let my emotions get in the way of anything.  "I need to know if this place is safe for us to stay, Daryl."  I use his actual name to let him know I'm serious.

"Yes, it's safe, Ashtyn.  I promise you.  I won't ever lose you again," he guarantees.

My shoulders relax and Daryl drops his arms.  "Okay.  I need a few boundary rules first, though."

"'Course," he says.  "Anything."

"I haven't even seen you in six years, so don't try to be all protective dad over me.  I can handle myself and I've done things for my group you probably wouldn't want to know," I explain, hoping he'll understand.

He licks his lips and nods.  "Okay.  Yeah, okay."

"Also, these kids are still my responsibility, so never try to get in the way of me taking care of them."


"And lastly, I want you to forget everything you think you've ever known about me.  I'll do the same for you.  I'm a whole new person compared to who I was at ten years old.  I expect to be treated so."

His face falters.  I know what I've just said probably hurts him, but he needs to come to face the truth.  I may still be his daughter, but I am not an innocent girl.  He can't expect me to behave like a true kid when I was forced into growing up since the day the apocalypse started.  "Okay."

We both stay were we are, standing.  The air around us is cold, despite the sun being high in the sky.  I don't know what to say.  I've always planned for the day that I would meet my dad again, but never for what could possibly come after that.  I guess I just never expected it to really happen.

"I better, uh, go talk to Rick," Daryl says, breaking our silence.  "If you need anything, just ask around and someone will know where to find me."

I take a deep breath.  "Alright."  Daryl walks away.

My eyes scan the area around me until I see Carl standing around with a bunch of other teenagers.  My stomach twists in anxiety.  To these people, I'm an outsider.  That's a huge change when compared to being depended on for everything back with my group.

I start to walk towards them.

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