Welcome (Read First)

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Thank you for stopping to read the welcome page! Before you get to requesting, reading, or both, be sure to read this page and the next carefully. The following parts include information that will (hopefully) help things run smoothly.

1.) I take requests
• The next part of this book will have a request form as well as a list of characters that I'm comfortable writing for. Request submissions can be made in the comment section of this book or via my Instagram (preferred: fandomimagines67). When you do put in requests, I ask that you be as specific as possible to help me make the best quality content.

2.) Formatting and Point of View
• All imagines and preferences will be written in Y/n format—by this I mean I won't do specific names. The point of view will typically be second person, but sometimes first sounds better, so it may change at random depending on the story/request.

3.) Crossovers and Request Denials
• Straight up, I'm open to doing crossovers–some of you probably know this from my published book. As for request denials, I'm hoping I won't have to say no to anything, but I've gotten some strange/uncomfortable requests in the past and I've also been asked to write about topics that I'm not well-versed in. If I'm not comfortable writing your request for whatever reason, I'll let you know, but please don't let this discourage you from requesting!

4.) Y/n Gender
• I write Y/n as a female, mainly because I myself am one. However, sometimes with the way my imagines are written, you can't really tell anyways, so do with that information what you will.

5.) Canon Characters (+Sexualities)
• This is fanfiction, so of course not everything will be canon. My main take is on Alec Lightwood because, as we all know, he's 100% gay in the show. I do love him as he is, but I also find Matthew Daddario very attractive, so for the purposes of this book he'll be written as bisexual.

6.) Smut
• I most likely won't do a lot of smut, mainly because I feel like I'm terrible at writing it. There might be some here and there, but definitely not a full imagine about it. I simply don't have the talent for that.

7.) Separation of Fandoms
• Because this book will mostly be based on requests, I probably won't be able to separate fandoms very well. Because of this, I'll make sure to label the chapters like this "Damon Salvatore x Reader (TVD)" or "Damon Salvatore – TVD" (or wtv looks best)

8.) How to know what you're reading
• I'm not gonna do chapter titles that hint about what the imagine is about, but I'll be adding Tumblr styled information before the imagine itself. This includes a brief summary and the pairings for the imagine.

9.) Trigger Warnings
• Trigger warnings MIGHT not be given before each imagine for various reasons, so please be mindful as you go forward. Also be aware that there may be other potential triggers that aren't listed because I won't know about them until I write them. It's safest to go into this book expecting anything.

~ Torture
~ Assault
~ Violence
~ Kidnapping/Abduction
~ Swearing (cussing)
~ Death/Dying
~ Mental disorders
~ Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco
~ Abuse
~ Light Sexual Content
     ~ Suicide or suicide attempts
     ~ Bullying
~ Self-Harm
~ Spoilers (duh)

10.) Disclaimers
• I don't own any characters, plots, or messages from any of the shows that I'll be writing about. All rights go to each show's respective writers, producers, etc.

• I also don't fully own the cover photo. I found the portrait on Pinterest and added the coloring and title myself

11.) Errors
• Since a majority of these will be written and edited on my phone, there's a chance that I'll unfortunately have some spelling, formatting, punctuation, and grammatical errors. If you manage to spot something that I missed, feel free to let me know in the comments just don't be rude about it.

12.) Fandom Abbreviations
• Supernatural = SPN
• The Vampire Diaries = TVD
• The Originals = TO
• ShadowHunters = SH
• Once Upon a Time = OUAT
• Buffy The Vampire Slayer = BTVS

13.) Y/n Key
• Y/n = Your Name
• Y/m/n = Your Middle Name
• Y/l/n = Your Last Name
• Y/h/c = Your Hair Color
• Y/e/c = Your Eye Color

14.) Why this is being made – why that matters
• At the time of my writing this, my Chromebook has been fried. I find it easier to type out longer projects on a computer rather than on my phone, so I can't really work on any of my major fanfics, but I also really want to write. Since imagines are typically shorter, typing them on my phone shouldn't be too big of an issue.

That being said, I won't be getting a new Chromebook until Christmas (at the earliest). You might be wondering, "What happens to this book when you get a new Chromebook?"

Truthfully, I haven't fully thought about it. I might discontinue or I might work on this whenever I don't feel like working on one of my fanfics. I don't know for sure, so I'll simply say; be aware that this book may be discontinued at any time.

I'm probably missing something but, if I am, I'll just edit this page at a later date.

Written: November 5, 2023

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