Chapter 41 The Return of the Dark Wizard

Start from the beginning

     "This is a battle they must face themselves, for fate should be left untouched," Merlin said. "As they are prophesied to face Zophar alone in the final battle, they must do so."

     "I know they will be okay," David reassured.

     "They better!" Regina retorted.

     "I need to prepare my knights for battle," Lancelot said, standing up. "David, I need you to set more patrols over the borders. We need to be ready like war is about to happen because if we wait, Camelot could be destroyed."

     "We all need to be ready, for the dark days draw near," Merlin said apprehensively.

     Facilier, who just released the dark wizard, bowed so low that his face nearly touched the grass. "Welcome back, Great Wizard," he said. "After all these years, I have finally freed you from your eternal prison."

     Zophar took a deep breath and smiled maliciously. "Oh, how good it feels to be free alas," he said. "Now I shall rule Camelot, and all will bow down to me. I will be the strongest king to ever exist. I will be feared and respected by many. And you, the one who has succeeded in freeing me from that wretched prison when none other has, will be rewarded greatly." Zophar lay a gnarly hand on Facilier's shoulder.

     "It is my honor to serve you," Facilier replied, still bowing very low.

     "Get up, what is your name?" Zophar asked.

     Facilier rose to his feet. "My name is Forneus, but call me Facilier. I am of your bloodline," he said, bowing.

     "Then Facilier, we need to form an allyship with another kingdom before attempting to overtake Camelot ourselves," said Zophar. "We must go to the neighboring kingdom, first."

     "As you wish," Facilier replied maliciously.

     Once Zophar and Facilier arrived at the kingdom of Corbenic, Zophar entered the throne room of King Otto while Facilier waited outside. "What is the meaning of this?" questioned King Otto. "You dare approach my throne, uninvited? Who are you?"

     "I believe you have heard tales of me as the former king of Camelot and a powerful wizard," Zophar replied, taking off his hood and revealing his scarred, chilling face. "My name is Zophar, the darkest and most feared wizard in all the realm."

     King Otto stared in shock and fearfully trembled in his seat. "Forgive me then, please, go on."

     "I have come to warn you that Camelot is plotting an attack against your kingdom in hopes to gain your kingdom," the dark wizard lied. "They hope to overthrow you."

     "That's outrageous!" King Otto shouted angerly as he pounded his fist against the arm of his throne. "Camelot and my kingdom have been on good terms for more than a decade. Now Camelot conspires against my kingdom? How do I know your word to be true?" he questioned, staring at the dark wizard with distrust. "What are you planning? I'm sure you wouldn't be telling me this without something in it for you."

     "Are you calling me a liar?" Zophar questioned angerly. Then he magically started to choke the king.

     "Please," gagged the king, "forgive me."

     Zophar released him, and the king coughed and gasped for air. Zophar then continued, "Now that I was saying Camelot plots an attack, I strongly encourage you to make the first move. I will fight alongside you and make sure you get a strong victory."

     "If what you are saying is true, I will summon a meeting right away," King Otto rasped.

     "And I will be attending it," the dark wizard responded.

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