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Arohi packed her bags while Ru was fast asleep ...

She packed all things in one go.....and sat down in the bed with a sigh....

Waise it was about you then now it's ru!!! Her bade papa's words lingered in her head...making it pain....

Aahhhh Arohi held her head.....

What is it now akshu?? Why has bade papa called me all of a sudden???urrrrgh...I told you to sort it yourself na akshu...then why??? She fell back on the bed all tired and frustrated....

Arohi turned and faced Ru...who was still sleeping....and suddenly Arohi remembered..that she has prepare Ri to meet abhir as her poppy's son...not as some friend but as her cousin brother....

How will Ru react?? Will she accept the fact that easily?? What if she needs time?? Will abhi give her the time without hurting her ?? 

So many questions just flooded her mind ...

Arohi quickly dragged herself up and took a sleeping Ru in her arms ...

The comings days.. may be difficult ru ..Arohi choked....but you have your mumma na...she will take care....Arohi wiped her tears...

Arohi took out Neil's photo and smiled while weeping ...papa bhi toh hai....We both will protect you.....she cried and kissed Ru's hair....

Arohi's phone buzzed....

The next day.....

Arohi had slept holding her Ru...when the rays hit her eyes she woke up holding her neck out of pain....

She put Ru back to bed and went to get ready....

She came back in a while..after...
And Ru too woke up....

Ru stretched her hands full..and yawned big ....

Arohi smiled at her antics....

Yo matashri gummorning.... Ru said rubbing her eyes ...

Yo.. good morning...Arohi said cupping her cheeks....

Chalo....saying this she lifted ru in her arms and too her to the bathroom....

She made Ru stand near the washbasin and took some paste on her brush....

Ru finally opened her eyes.. and saw her brush....

Matashri itni Kam vootpaste....yeh tasty hai....

Arohi bit her lips...and knelt down to her height....

It's toothpaste....Arohi corrected..

Tskk...haa..wahi wahi matashri...ru said all sleepy ....

Wahi wahi ki bachi...and toothpaste is not for you to eat....you have to spot....

Ru sighed ..kitni vulum karti ho na tum!!!saying this she bent her body like they do in karate infront of their masters...and showed a thumbsup....

Ru took her brush and put it in her mouth....

A little while later .....

Aarohi asked her to spit....but by that time Ru had already swallowed it....

Ru saw her mother in corner of her eyes....and smiled...

Aru understood and tickled her all over....

After a well 10 mins of giggles and laughter...the mother and daughter duo came out ....

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