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Fav color: pink
Hair color: red with brown tips
Hair length: medium
Chest size: slightly smaller then regular size
Style: combo girly and tomboy
Eye color: ice blue
Height: 5"2
Magic: water dragon slayer

Likes: Luna, her foster Dragon, sweets, fairy tail, fighting monsters, Laxus, manga, anime, and video games

Hates: homework, self centered people, school, people who make fun of things she likes, transportation, and bullies

Personality: most of the time she's overly excited but she always cares for others. She can be pissed off really easily especially if some one hurts Luna or Fairy Tail. Gets along with almost everyone and she even try's to befriend enemies as long as they had sworn there not evil any more. she has a very forgiving heart and is very outgoing.


Fav color: sea and navy blue
Hair color: blond with a sea blue streak in the front of hair on the right side
Hair length: just past shoulders
Chest size: a bit bigger than Lucy's
Style: edgy/tomboyish
Eye color: hazel
Height: 5"6
Magic: mirror magic

Likes: Annala,dark colors,her foster dragon, sweets, anime, manga, video games, tv, drawing, transportation, and math

Hates: bullies, her father, judgmental people, school, homework, and bad memories.

Personality: Shes a person who is very forgiving and sees the good in everybody and everything. She takes comfort in the darkness but hates evil. She is very shy and likes to keep to herself, and she hates to talk about her past. She makes friends better with animals then with people but she is super close to Annala. She doesn't hurt anyone or anything unless provoked.

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