Riding with the Cowboy

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It had been about two days since we had separated from the rest of the group, making are way to the infamous Saint Denis, André suggested that we stopped in the small city of Annesburg for more information, apparently the strange man knew someone who might lead us in the right direction to meeting the corrupt mayor of Saint Denis.

Although it had now added 2 weeks to our trip. Patience is all im holding onto right now.

And the reins of my horse Willow.

"So this friend of yours is in Annesburg?" I said trying to make small talk with the man, we hadn't been on the best... terms, after learning who my family was he started to become stubborn, apparently not liking rich families.

"Hes not my friend, not everyone you meet is your friend, hes more of an buddy who owes me back." He said once again trying to pry me into thinking I wasnt worthy to speak to him. He always managed to add an insult after every sentence.

"Jeez cowboy dont need to become so defensive." I said with a slight chuckle. I could feel the judgment from him even from behind him.

I looked around the area to realize it was becoming dark outside, "we should set camp up here." I said riding up next to him pointing to a small clearing off the trail. He grabbed his horses reins and steered him over to where I pointed. He slipped off his horse into the wet land and tied his horse to a skinny tree, I took my horse to a tree opposite of his. We both grabbed the bedrolls from our horses and laying them out almost in sync. I plopped down on the bedroll as I pulled some cooked turkey from the day before, throwing a even piece to André we ate in a silence, with only the crows song to be heard.

As we finished our meals I stood up and walked over to a small landing on a cliff and sat down. I looked up to the stars around me and sighed as I plopped my head into my hands.

I really hated this.

I was caught in the moment with the stars before I heard the sound of a pencil on a paper, I slightly turned around to see André roughly stabbing the pencil into the journal he carried around. His hand movements were too rough for him to be writing, he seemed to be drawing something, I tilted my head to the side as I spoke "Well whatcha you drawing Cowpoke?" Referring to him as the insult he usually gave me.

He met with my eyes for a split second before giving a slight glare and going back to drawing, I stood up and walked over to him trying to get a look before he slammed the book close,

"Mind your damn business you filthy rich rat, thats all you guys do. Get in our business." He said before laying down and moving his hat over his eyes to block sight of me.

I stepped over him purposefully stepping on his leg in the process to get a anger filled grunt. BeforeI plopped on my own bedroll, turning my back to him I spoke, "I do mind my damn business, but when you're stabbing a poor piece of paper while Im enjoying the view you better know, Im going to ask-" I yawned before continuing,

"Now Goodnight." I said with a harsh T sound. Before falling asleep.


"Wake up!" André kicked me in the side making me jolt up and slap him in the face causing his to jolt head to the side,

"Shit, sorry you scared me- oh wait its you." I said finally gaining full consciousness,

"Haha, very funny. Anyways-" André said as he rubbed his jaw, "we gotta get back on the trail. Still have about 3 days before we get there."

I nodded to him as we both rolled up our bedrolls and hopped onto our horses, I waited till André pulled onto the trail first, following close behind.

"Hey, once we get to Saint Denis, I think while we are there trying to befriend the mayor, we could run bounties?" I said breaking the terrible silence, he stayed silent for a moment lost in his thoughts it seemed before he responded, "That actually sounds like a good idea, extra cash."
I smiled to myself as we went back into our silence, he had actually agreed with me, AND without an insult too.


As we rode into the evening we hit a smaller town, had no idea what the name was but there was a small inn, André suggested that we stayed the night there and I obliged of course, as I put Willows reins on the post André came back out. Only holding one key. I knitted my eyebrows together before he spoke,

"Theres only one room opened, but luckily theres two beds. Hope you dont snore cowpoke." He said handing me the older rusted key, "couldn't say the same about you." I said with a smirk, he simply rolled his eyes before continuing, "go head off into bed Im going to go to the Salon for a bit." I pushed the keys to his chest dropping it into his hands, "Actually keep them Im going to the gun store and the general store to get some more food for us." He rolled his eyes and pushed me back mimicking my actions moments before, laughing and walking off he rested his hands on his gun belt. I watched him walk into the salon he wondering why he didn't insult me and played along with my humor for once. I liked that. I turned facing his back as I walked towards the Gun store, I walked in to be greeted by a kind old man, sweet blue eyes and a sweet smile.

"What can I do for you my lady?" He said walking to the counter, I smiled at his politeness as I spoke "I just need 40 .22 revolver rounds, please" he nodded handing both the small boxes as I handed him 5 dollars telling him to keep the change, I thanked him as I stuffed the small boxes into my satchel, making my way to the general store and walked in with the hefty list of foods and Items I needed.


About two hours had passed and it quiet the town was either asleep or or in the Salon where André probably was still drinking at. I had hoped he was back at the inn because I had no key to get in but I had to take my chances. I stored all of my purchases in my horses back side bags before walking in, I greeted the Inn keeper as I made my way to the farthest room secluded from the rest, it wasnt next to any other guests room, just next to the closest where bed spreads were stored. I walked up to the door grabbing at the knob to hope that I was unlocked to here a weird squishy sound, my first thought went to blood, I grabbed my right white wood revolver out of its holster gently opening the door, I couldn't see the rest of them as the bathroom blocked off the bed area, leaving me in a nook, I heard a grunt, and a small repeated creaking sound, thinking it was just the  upstairs I walked closer to see Andrés' hat laying on the ground. As I turned the corner a moan was released and my hand flew to my mouth in fear of screaming at the sight I was seeing.

André had a girl bent over on the bed. And was knee deep in her.

I couldn't move, I felt something weird, I felt hurt? I feel.- I stared as he picked the girls legs up placing her on her hands and knees on the bed as held her hips, continuing to thrust into the woman, the woman started moaning as André began to go faster, I watched in horror as I felt my knees give out and I fell crashing into the wall, interrupting André and the unknown woman she screamed throwing her dress back on and running out, I looked up to André as he was still turned around tucking himself back up, he turned around and looked at me,

"What are you doing there woman?" He said slurring his words.

It was clear his was shit drunk. I hopped up as he walked closer to me, I feared he would hurt or punch me as he got closer, I closed my eyes ready for impact before I felt a hand around my waist. sending butterflies throughout my body I opened with wide eyes as he continued to slur his words, "I cant do anything fun with you around Cowpoke." He pulled me by the waist away from the door as he let go and and slammed the door.

"You're drunk." I said watching him fall into the door, I pulled him up and wobbly helped him to his bed. Plopping him down I look at him disgusted.

"You are crazy." I said pushing him harshly further into his bed.

"No you're just jealous that you're not that girl. You virgin. I see that look." He said with a half conscious laugh.

"Fuck you, you creep." I said as I turned the lamp off and climbed into my bed, I felt a rage fill through me, but for once I didn't know why. His comment didn't hurt.. but what did. And god I would hate to have him, There

Yeah, Im a virgin. But Im not jealous especially not about him. Right?

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