A operation gone wrong

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   It was a cold night, the posse was gathered around the small campfire as they ate Wolf meat from the stray that attacked earlier. Diana Conners, a once rich kid, was leaning against a tree nearby keeping a look out on any pests or people daring to strike during the night. She looked over to see the rest of the posse; Queenie, a young beautiful woman who used looks as an advantage, to her left was Jonathan, a Native American warrior who was kicked out of his land as a young kid, forced into this life of crime expert with explosives. And lastly William, better known as Big will sat across, a french man who wore nice clothing and was great at persuading, He was extremely good with a sawed shotgun.

The posse was a great team, always working together and even better friends. Diana saw Queenie as a little sister always having the same Ideas. But the team had gotten out, they were known by most, but luckily none of  their true identities.

"Diana, why dont you sit wit' us?" Big Will said through his thick French accent.
Diana simply gave a small smile, "No someone needs to watch over the camp." she said staring off into the night. William nodded and continued to talk with the group before the all decided to put the fire out and rest. Diana kept watch soon sliding to sit on the ground. She messed around with her Pistol as she slowly dozed off into the night.

x x
We woke up at the break of dawn, we had all agreed we needed to shop for supplies in the nearest town Valentine after looking are our empty horse pouches, we needed ammo for our next big hit;

Nickel Paterson

A great con man. The man has such a wealth, that  any of us poor outlaws would die for that money. I walked over to my horse willow, Ive had her since I was a young teenager, she was a trusty horse always ready for the shit I brought her into, "You ready Willow?" I smiled as I got on-top of her, we all rode into town not really talking as I was staying behind the group keeping watch.

I began to think about our next hit; Nickel Paterson was said to have a huge cabin just north of the small town of Valentine. This man had everything we needed to never have live this life again.


As the crew went into the small gun store I stayed outside, watching their horses and for the many other posse's that pass through.

"Diana, I got you some more ammo. The ones you like too." Queenie said with a smirk as she walked out of the building. I took it from her hands and put it into my horse pouch. "Thank you Queenie, I appreciate it." I said with a big smile.

I saw Jonathan exit with a big grin making me chuckle, "Did you find something that blows up?"  He quickly laughed and rose a box of Dynamite up while cheering. We all laughed as I hopped up onto my horse, slightly making a thump sound, as we were ready to move out again, we discussed our plan,

"Queenie, I want you to act as a decoy, I need you ti act like a damsel in distress as William you take the right side guards out and I will go through the left into where he stays as Jonathan waits for our cue. We need to be as quiet as possible and get the money and his head before causing to much attention to ourselves."  I said as we trotted down the trail.

"So I wait for your cue to blow up the house?"
I nodded to him, "thats the point" I said laughing.

We reached a clearing nearby the house and got off our horses. As we sneaked up to the house as we saw guards, I singled everyone to get into places, as I made my way to the house I noticed an unlocked window, I saw this as a perfect chance to sneak in, as I heard Queenie crying for help I saw this as my chance, I slid in without a sound and looked around the room in surprise.

There was nothing in the house.

I opened a door that lead into the living room to be met with a shotgun and hit to the stomach, as I fell to the ground I looked up into the mans eyes.

It was Nickel Paterson. A fatter man with leopard clothing and a long beard.

"I was expecting you. The kid I sent to you gave me all the information I needed."

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion.
"You planned all of this? For what?"

He chuckled,
"To teach kids like you that you cant mess with the big kids"
And then he hit me in the head with the butt of the shot gun.

Everything went black.

x x

"Diana wake up!"

I opened my eyes to look to the starry night sky, everything shimmering as a multitude of colors filled the sky, reflecting off of my eyes, it was pretty I was almost caught in the moment before
I sat up as I reached my hand to my head in pain,
"He lied. Everything was planned."

William sighed. "Yes it was, Im sorry."

Queenie was looking at my head as I shot up in anger."I need a beer, dammit." I said as I stood up and wobbled to my horse, I looked behind me, "Come on!" I yelled in frustration. The group jumped up and followed me to Valentine, it was a quick angered ride to valentine and as I made it to the small bar, I jumped off my horse splattering mud all over my dark black boots and rattle snake spurs, I took Willows rein tying her to the wood post and stomped into the Bar having a trail of dark mud behind me as I walked up to the waiter, "Whiskey please." I said with a grin. The waiter handed me a open bottle of Whiskey as I sat down chugging it. I hated alcohol but sometimes I needed the feeling in me. I felt the rush of burning and stinging, I knew it was working

Listening to the piano I noticed the rest of the group walked in, seeing I was in defeat they all got a beer and joined me.

"I can't believe we were cheated out of that." Jonathan said slamming his beer on the counter.
Queenie dropped her head and yelled "dammit!" I looked over to Queenie,
"I agree, I would love to scream. And Jonathan you're right, That nickel guy can suck my manhood!"

William laughed, "well thats a new one."
As I opened my mouth to tease William a man in a blue cowboy hat walked up to me, he whispered in my ear. "As one outlaw to another if you wanna find Nickel Paterson go find André."

I looked to him, "And wheres this André?" I said in a disbelief tone.

The man sighed. "Trust me, Hes a real guy that you can get that information from. You'll find him in emerald ranch for now, I would say you should hurry hes after him too, hes a good one all right, s'prised you dont know his name."

I nodded to the man.

As he walked off I smiled with a mischievous grin to the rest of my posse.

I needed to find this André

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