"Will you hold me while I sleep?"

Shock completely covers his face and I can hear a soft gasp leave his lips. But then I see something else replace it. Relief, joy, sorrow, sympathy, and ultimately, protectiveness. He nods his head, standing up from the chair as he towers over me.

I make a small movement to try and shift to make him room, and it's then that I realize my body is much more than just tired; it's sore as fuck. I imagine getting hit with a massive sonic wave gun will do that. I can't help but wince as my body starts to move, and it scares the hell out of Steve.

"Careful Mia..." he says, flinching as if it's him who's being hurt. "Maybe we shouldn't–"

"No, please." I beg, really needing this. "I'm okay...please."

He sighs, but doesn't say anything else. So I continue to make room for him, careful to not make too much of a fuss at my aching body anymore. Once there's enough space he crawls in, lifting the blanket so he can get underneath it.

He keeps a distance, which is counterintuitive to what I'm asking him. So instead I take the initiative and snuggle close to him, coming up until I'm on his chest. His body stiffens, not really sure what to do, and I'm not sure if it's because of what happened between us or because he knows my body is in pain right now. But eventually he does calm down a little, his body softening against mine as he wraps his arms around my shoulders, holding me like I asked him too. I'm pressed against his chest and I let out a big sigh as I start to hear his heartbeat. It's fast and loud, but the longer I lay against him, the more it starts to slow down, as if finally adjusting to this again. I focus on it, trying to drown out the rest of the world.

And it's his soft heartbeat that easily lulls me to sleep.


I hear what sounds like voices talking, but they sound muffled, like if I'm wearing earplugs. It takes me a moment to remember what is going and remember that I'm asleep in a hospital...with Steve.


I can feel his arms around me, holding me close, just like I asked him to. Beneath my head I can feel the small intake of his breaths, and the slight vibration of him talking.

Oh. He's one of the voices I hear. But who is he talking to? A doctor maybe? Tony? Bucky?

I can't seem to get my eyes to open, the exhaustion keeping my body under. In fact, I don't even know if what I'm hearing is actually happening, for all I know, I could be dreaming right now. I don't actually see anything, it's just dark. But the voices are starting to get clearer. I'm in this half-conscious state of mind, my body clearly still wanting to stay asleep, but my mind is slightly aware of my surroundings.

"She seems at peace." Loki? Loki! That's who's here. I guess he did say they were both planning on staying here to watch me. I just didn't think they would actually do it. "After seeing her in so much pain it's..."

"I know." Steve replies, his voice low, but clear in the silence of what I'm assuming is nighttime. "Listen if you want to go get some rest you can. I'm sure she's going to sleep through the night."

"If it's alright, I'd like to stay. I'd feel more comfortable at least being able to see her."

They're...being civil. It's weird...but nice.

There's a quiet moment, and I feel Steve slightly stir underneath me.

"It must have been hard for you." he says, breaking the silence. "I mean, it was hard for all of us, but...you had already lost her once before. Or at least thought you did. It must have been harder to think it was about to happen again."

Love in the Shadows (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now