Blue Flame x Zephyr/Raven (Fluff)

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Wake up babe, a new Fire Spirit costume just dropped.

This chapter has multiple canon lines and descriptions of the characters, I hope you enjoy! :D💕


"Blue and green sparkles."

In a past he did not have memories about, all the divisions wouldn't exist. The whole land was defined as only one.

On the extension of nature, the cookies of Earthbread would remain in peace. Conflict was not known in such era, their mindsets weren't as different as today.

The nature had picked favorites. Mystical creatures that had received the power to protect the land and everything a simple sight could reach. These were called the nature guardians, each one representing an animal and an element.

While in complete peace, the cookies around were fascinated by different charms of that nature. Some would explore the seas, trying to reach the places not even the light could touch. Some walking through the forests, looking for animals and fruits. Some would search for more acknowledge, creating books, spreading and finding information. Some would go to the hottest flames, searching for adventures.

These aquired different interests, different opinions, such that they would refuse to agree from anyone else but themselves.

Internal conflict caused the cookies to separate, going each to one direction.

The guardians followed their favorites, swearing to protect their lands. Only the ones the creatures had choosen to follow knew about where they would stay, their personal sanctuaries only one could reach for.

Just like this, cities and civilizations were created, each one having specific individuals and at least one guardian by their side.

Wind Archer had heard that story multiple times, always followed by a "oh, if only we could go back to that.." from Millennial Tree.

The archer had been gifted life by a guardian, more specifically, Sugar Swan. Its magic reached the breeze and shaped it in the form of a cookie, who had been trained to one day become a guardian too.

With age, his powers grew stronger, his form changed with them. His title was changed by the swan. "Zephyr of life", the protector.

The only thing that he wasn't aware was that a guardian had been created by the chaos caused in the conflict. The creature had fallen into a deep slumber, but now was close to wake up and spread the darkness it had gained from all these years.

While the archer had the light, it would follow him, turning into arrows that purified the fallen souls that he would heal. His life was pacific until the awakening.

When the Eye of Eternal Darkness would open, peace became part of his past. The creature seeked power, the power guardians would hold. His own creator was corrupted in front of his eyes, leaving the forest to fall into chaos, exactly what would give more power to the being.

Like a virus, darkness spreads arround, corrupting anything in sight, reaching for even the most pure souls.

What would be an archer of light without any light around?

Since he wasn't yet officially a guardian, his powers became worthless the moment the land guardian was corrupted, his arrows became dark, not effective against darkness, only making it stronger.

In his last hopes, Millennial Tree asked Zephyr to reach the other guardians before it was too late. The tree sealed itself in a magic slumber to resist the dark sorcery. And so, to try to save what still remained, the archer flew to the other lands.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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