Raven x Ash (angst)

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Requested by 1timekeep_fuck

Haha hey angst/FLUFF am I right haha
I mean
They hugged ;D


"To hell and back."

An once full of life being, protector and savior of the lost souls, made by pure and eternal light, became pure darkness. Night Raven, the grim reaper, whoever you wish to call him, changed completely after the direct influence of evil. He wasn't able to see the light for too long, both in a poetic way and in a literal way. He was blinded by what he called "justice" or what we can call death.

His new job was to guide the fallen souls, left by the ones that lost life, to another place. According to himself, he only worked and existed for that purpose, he would serve the darkness that dominated him forever, for as long as he could.

His own blindness made him unable to see the truth, the pain everyone was going through because of his "superior", Dark Enchantress.

The only one that was not blinded and controlled by darkness was Fire Spirit, he refused to give his own consciousness for the evil, he swore that he would never, for him, for them, and for Wind Archer, that he still had hope was somewhere inside the emotionless night he became.

-- If he is not with us, he is against us. -- the enchantress had said to the others, she ordered an attack against the fire god, Raven didn't know about such, too many of them against only one, the most powerful warriors. In consequence of such unfair battle, Spirit's bead was broken, he was left to suffer until his death from the lack of heat as a punishment for not joining the evil. Without the fire god, the own Dragon's Valley would start to lose heat. It was inevitable.

Night Raven felt like he was being called to guide a soul once more, this one though, was different. He felt like even dead, it was alive, so cold, yet.. so warm. It was something he couldn't quite describe, even so, he had a work to do, and he would finish it.

Flying as fast as the light, Raven found himself in the Dragon's Valley, the warmth there wasn't like he remembered to be, but he didn't remember a lot about the past anyways. It was quite normal, he guessed.

He heard steps. They were slow, it felt like the one making them was too tired to care about being silence, a big mistake while approaching someone they didn't know. A even bigger mistake while approaching a god that represented death.

-- One more step and I end your miserable life. -- He knew it was human by the way the steps sounded on the groud, he knew where who was making the sound was because of the direction. He knew everything he needed for a deadly shot.

-- Ha.. and I was over here thinking I would get to say goodbye.. -- A voice, it sounded sad, cracking and low. -- Hello, Windy, please say you remember me. -- Raven couldn't see, but for some reason, he could imagine the silhouette smiling, it was blurry, he didn't remember their body and facial traits, but he recognized that voice from somewhere. They walked again.

-- My job isn't to kill you, I will act once it ends, if you lay one finger on me, I swear that this will change. -- His voice made a clear warning. Anyone would be afraid of such tone. Anyone, but that person seemed to be an exception.

-- I know, I know, death, suffering, blah blah blah -- They just continued to walk.

Night Raven held his bow with strong hands, one move and whoever that was would be dead, but in the end, speeding that clearly already happening process up wouldn't change anything, he didn't care when the other would die.

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