Zephyr × Flame (Fluff)

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Hey! Just a warning that in this fic, Primordial Light and Zephyr are siblings
Why not? ;)

And yes. Fire and Wind gods.


The two gods would visit regularly, talk with the citizens and just chill in general, there was clearly something going on between the two of them, but no one could realy tell because every time someone talked about it, they would blush it off. Not with Primordial Light though, she knows everything.


-- Aww, c'mon Zephyr! I know you like him~ -- Light teased Zephyr a little while giggling, the wind god was pretty easy to get embarrassed, we could say he was still in denial about his feelings (it's ok buddy, we know u're gay ;))

-- You say like it's easy enough to just say on his face, "hey I'm gay, wanna go out????"

-- Yeah, pretty much like that.
Zephyr looked at Light's face, trying to find anything that could mean she was lying, all he found was a "innocent" smile that was being shown on her face, he sighed on defeat.

-- ... what do you think I should do then?

-- I'm glad you asked! -- Light said happily, while reaching a little piece of paper, unfolding it just to make Zephyr realize the paper was almost the same size as him -- well, I don't think we can use marriege stages yet-

-- Use whAT?

-- Hmm let me see... kissing is not good yet neither

-- WHAT?!

-- Hush my child, I know what I'm doing. OOHH! Holding hands! Isn't that good enough?

Zephyr tought for a moment, imagining what would it be like to hold his lover's hands in front of everyone on the village, I mean, Light and Coral had already done that, but those were THEM, not him and Flame.

Still, he couldn't help but smile while thinking about it, his hands cuddling up with Flame's, his cute little smile while walking... just everything about him made Zephyr happy.

-- Yeah... that sounds about right -- his silly smile was still there, Light smirked while looking at her brother

-- Go for it then, lover boy!


Flame was just walking around Zephyr's forest, it was time for both of them to meet up, Primordial Light and Coral were already at the village, so where tf was Zephyr?

-- Flame! -- He heard his name being called and smiled when saw Zephyr in all his glory waving his hand

He could wave back, but that would just be boring, so he ran for his lover and gave him a kiss, wich he gladly accepted

After that, Flame kicked him ;)

-- Where the FUCK were you???? -- how lovely Flame.

-- OW! Calm dOwn -- Zephyr voice cracked as he started laughing, that made Flame calm down a bit, but he was still pissed off >:(

-- Sorry about that love, there was a small bird with a hurt wing, but I'm here now :D -- and he absolutely isn't nervous about asking Flame to hold his hand and tell everyone that they were togheter, of COURSE not.
Flame knows him too much

-- Uhum... tell me what's up.

-- ... the sky

-- sTop -- Flame playfuly punched him

-- Okay! Okay! -- Zephyr surrended, smiling -- I was just gonna ask if you could uhhh... hold my hand?? -- the last words came out as whispers, the fire god couldn't understand it well

-- If I could what?


-- Iwasgonnaaskifyoucouldholdmyhandplease???

-- WhoA, whOA, WHOA, okay- careful there Zephyr~ you're embarrassed because you want me to hold your hand?~ that's cute, but I thought we had already passed trough that phase, love~ -- his voice was flirty, but it didn't seem to affect Zephyr in any way

-- Well..- Primordial said it would be a good idea for us to tell everyone about our relationship, she tought it would be a great idea for us to start by holding hands, only if you want to, of course-

Okay, now that was adorable.

There was silence for a hot second, while Zephyr looked away waiting for Flame to process everything

-- Pfft~ -- Flame started giggling -- You don't have to ask permition to hold my hand, darling, you can do it whenever you want -- Flame gave his hands to Zephyr, waiting for him to take it close to his own, he took it and gave it a kiss, making Flame blush as he cuddled both hands togheter, it might be an innocent and simple way of showing affection, but it meant a lot for both of the gods

-- I love you -- Zephyr said, smiling

-- I love you too, silly.


Now there they were, holding hands on the village, everyone that passed by them looked and smiled

-- Look at them! -- Light said to Coral as they looked at both, Coral smiled at her girlfriend's happiness, holding her hand tigher.

How sweet hshwjwkwh

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