Chapter 2: Chase

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She spared hardly more than a fleeting glance at the blood soaked room before fleeing as if the devil himself was on her heels. The girl's panicked mind was void of all but one thought:


She rushed haphazardly through the town, taking rapid, split second turns at random intervals in a desperate bid to throw them off her trail. Her bare feet slapped painfully against the uneven cobblestone street, shredding themselves against the loose gravel and tiny pieces of broken glass she couldn't avoid in the darkness. The girl gritted her teeth against the pain that registered even through the adrenaline flooding her veins. she could tend to her feet later; if she stopped now, she'd either die... or be forced to kill herself.

The girl took a moment to examine her surroundings as she ran, hoping she hadn't lost her own way in her attempt to confuse her pursuers. No, wait... she knew exactly where she was. She also knew that she was now completely alone, likely the only soul to walk these streets in years.

The part of town she found herself in was largely abandoned, a desecrated shadow of the quaint, welcoming neighborhood it might once have been. There were patches of nettles and sharp burs growing out from between the cobblestones, littering the street alongside the already troublesome detritus that plagued her. She couldn't withstand more than a few minutes of the torture before she began to stumble, biting back a cry as they clung fast to her feet.

Searching desperately for a place to rest, She finally spotted a broken window in the next alleyway on her right. Path chosen, she made one last turn and leapt into the abandoned house only to lose her balance in the process and topple to the rotten wooden floor.

The breathless girl gathered herself against the wall and held one of her bleeding feet with a whimper. She began to systematically remove the burs and bits of glass that she could reach, as quickly as she could manage with how violently her hands trembled. The process was nothing short of absolute agony. Through a fresh flood of tears, she made quick work of her left foot before moving on to the other. The sight made her wince; The arch of her right foot sported a particularly deep and nasty gash that likely would have put her out of commission in any other situation. She nearly gagged at the amount of blood that steadily poured from her wound, over her skin and into the bottom of her ragged dress, staining the white fabric red.


Her breath caught then. The world froze. She grew dizzy with dread as it hit her all at once; if her feet were bleeding this much now...

her eyes widened as her gaze flew to the window. She knew if she looked back out into the street, she'd see a trail of bloody foot prints, each growing more vivid as she accumulated more cuts on the soles of her feet... and all of them would lead right to her.

She stared at her foot in horror and disbelief. "No," she breathed shakily. "No, I didn't... i-it can't-"

"And there it is... Finally noticed, did you?"

The girl's head whipped towards the voice. Its owner stood tall in the open doorway across the room, a hulking silhouette framed by the moonlight behind him. She could see nothing of his features save for a pair of glowing golden eyes that pierced straight through her from the shadows. She felt the terror of his gaze washing over her, pounding in her chest and seizing in her throat. She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe.

"Too easy. You got a lot to learn about hunting, little girl," he whispered. Malicious, mocking amusement dripped from every syllable.

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