10. Nightscape

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Aakash and Vivek talked for the most part of the journey. And when it turned dark, it was filled with soothing silence.

It almost felt wrong to break it. While Raju seems to be hitting 100 kmph, Vivek got unnerved at the speed and made sure he didn't 'blink'. Because he knows what must feel like a blink would actually be his eyes shutting down. So he took the turn to drive next.

When it got difficult and there was no motel in sight, he just parked the car near some petrol bunk and advised the passengers to use the washroom.

To his voice, Bhoomi woke up slowly as if dragging herself to consciousness.

Raju and Aakash went to the small sweet shop, leaving them in the wonderful company of each other.

Groggy and tired eyes met each other.

"Sorry for all the trouble you are taking for us." Bhoomi spoke finally breaking the silence.

"Don't mention it. I worked harder in some cases." Vivek stated for the sake of giving some reason and not looking desperate. But it seems like Bhoomi did not like what he said, for she turned away to look into the sky.

He thought soon.

"The night sky is so beautiful." And as if she is sharing some secret, her voice is reduced to more than just a whisper. "This is the most memorable day of my life. I have never been out of the house past seven. I have never made big choices of my own. And mostly, I wasn't handed over any family responsibility. Today I was able to do it all." She smiled but it's barely noticeable between the shadows of the tree and the moonlight.

If beauty has a meaning, this is it.

For the first time he realised that beauty is not a thing you look at, it is an experience. And Bhoomi somehow made his experiences feel more intense, more beautiful.

"Maybe this is what freedom is. Did you know, Vivek garu, all I had was a hundred with me all day today. If I hadn't found you, I don't know what I'd be doing right at this minute."

"You did find me."

He felt like adding it's my turn next time -to find you.

But he didn't.

Most of his feelings are left unstated. For the fear of being laughed at as cringe. Or worse, met with awkward silence.

He wished he was braver. Braver than his past self, because he knows Bhoomi is not like Geeta. With Geeta his life is predictable even if it didn't feel that way back then. But with Bhoomi he himself didn't know what to do next.

All he is absolutely aware of is that he cannot and didn't want to lose Bhoomi.


Before they knew it, the other two returned with snacks and the moment broke. Bhoomi felt disappointed but forced herself to remember that this is how tomorrow and everyday after that goes -without seeing or talking to Vivek. Perhaps, she would even forget him one day.

Who was she kidding! How could she ever forget him at all?

Maybe it was all a part of the plan of the one above. Maybe the gods are having a good laugh at her expense. Why give her a taste of a life she now wants but cannot have?

But why cannot she have it?

She could just tell Vivek that she likes him!

If only it's that easy.

If only she could admit it to herself first.

But why does she like him?

She has a feeling he likes her too.

But how could she ever trust a man from the metropolis -especially when he did not admit anything about liking her.

Maybe he was just being nice.

But he looks at her like she's someone he couldn't bear to lose.

Maybe she's fantasizing about it all.

Maybe she's mistaking his kindness with his affection.

How would any of these thoughts matter anyway. Tomorrow her reality forces itself back into her life.

So she forced her eyes back to the window screen.

Not before she caught Vivek locking his eyes with hers in the rear view mirror.

Maybe just tonight, just tonight she could imagine them together.

Maybe this is why city-girls fall in love. Because they know how to reclaim their freedom and are brave enough to do so.


Bhoomi and Vivek adorned garlands and were about to take blessings from the pujari when she was rudely awakened by a push. The dream much like her life, felt incomplete. The daylight poured through the windows and all the men already got down and are stood by the car and Aakash decided Bhoomi had to be awake that very centisecond.

Bhoomi felt like charging at her brother and stomping over his neck.

Well, there is no need for creepy violence that early in the morning, but her brother infuriated her too much to resolve that dispute by peaceful means.

Vivek wished her good morning and she just smiled like a dreamy little girl that she had been becoming.

That smile vanished into nothingness as she looked at where they arrived at. Wordlessly, she got down the car as her cousin hurried inside to call her mom's attention.

They are back home, or what was meant to be one.


Vivek and the rest of the party were escorted inside by Bhoomi, as her uncle and aunt stared at the tall and handsome stranger in what could only be understood as 'awe'. A young woman, who seemed just a few months short of Bhoomi stood behind her mother shyly and questioned Bhoomi who Vivek is with a strong nudge in her abdomen and eyebrows jumping in his direction.

Bhoomi stared at Vivek wishing she could hide him from her old-fashioned house, from the inquisitiveness of her uncle and aunt, and most importantly from the dreamy eyes of her cousin Lalli because she knows everything Bhoomi liked, Lalli liked too.

And everything Bhoomi wanted was forced out of her hands and into Lalli's.

If the thought of bidding goodbye to Vivek made her feel sad, the thought of Vivek and Lalli together feels like parasites munching on her delicate heart.

Before her uncle's attention turned to Aakash to yell at him, he introduced that Vivek is their lawyer and he's here to represent him.

Vivek politely said namaste.

If the elders eyes shimmered with a glint before, on hearing the word 'lawyer', they positivity brimmed with glee.

Bhoomi knows exactly what was going on in her aunt's head. She just hoped her aunt wouldn't ask her to set her daughter up with the handsome lawyer.

It would devastate her.

God. Please hear my prayer. Don't break my heart. Don't take him away from me like you took everyone I needed in life.

Like Vivek heard her secret prayer, he smiled at her. Only at her. That was not the kind of smile people would exchange in friendship, neither was it romantic. It was the kind of smile that just assured that it was all going to be okay, and that he was here for her.

She nodded with a small smile of her own.

"Bhoomi, go and get coffee for everyone."

And so it starts. She's back to be shackled to the kitchen.

"No, we don't want anything. Thank you." Vivek said stopping her in her tracks.

But one stern look by her aunt and Bhoomi turned away to do as told.

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