I heard a humuored snort from the frontseat, and glared at the driver in irritation. Tori giggled, "Too late for that, love. But are you positive you don't want to get just a tiny drink?"

"I am very positive." I replied seriously. I stared her in the eyes to let her know I would not change my mind. Alcohol did bad things to people, and I would not be apart of that. "Anything else, but that." I added as Tori began to pout.

Upon my words, she perked up immediately, a cheerful smile stretching from ear to ear. "I"m glad you said anything, because I have the perfect place for us to go instead." She slipped her hand into her purse and pulled out two bright red concert tickets.

"Oh no.." I gasped, reading the tickets in her hand.

"Oh yes." She grinned. "One Direction."


We arrived at her flat two hours ago, and I had been introduced to her mom and sister, the only other resdients of the home. I had been shown to my room, which was the guest bedroom across from Tori's and had unpacked all my things. And the entire time I had not stopped arguing with Tori, a girl obsessed with the British boyband.

"Why do you hate them so much?" She questioned for the hundreth time, as I shut my drawer of t-shirts, the only thing I ever wore.

"I don't hate them." I replied, using the same line I had used every previous time she had asked. I loved Tori to death, but over the three years I had not seen her, I had forgotten how utterly stubborn and relentless she could be. Also, how stubborn I could be when up against her.

"I just don't exactly like them." I explained. " I understand they are famous, and thousands of girls love them worldwide, but I just don't give a flip about them. I hate pop music, especially the stuff they sing about. I pretty much only ever hear one of them sing, so who knows if they have talent-"

"Are you kidding?" She interrupted me mid-rant. "They all sing like angels!"

I ignored with a roll of my eyes and continued. " Everyone talks about how gorgeous they are, but i don't see the big deal. They just look odd."

With this, Tori stormed out of the room, across the hall to her room, and returned seconds later with a poster gripped tightly in her hands. "Look at this and tell me they aren't so fit." She held out the poster, displaying a picture of five young boys smiling at me. One clung to another's back, as two had their arms slung around each other. I had never really looked at their photo's very closely, only at a glance when people in my highschool were fawning over them. Now that I was able to really see them, I had to admit they were pretty attractive.

I never withheld the truth, so decided to relent with this one arguement. "Alright, they are good-looking."


"But-" I held up a finger and directed it at the pair of boys who were attached to each other. "You need to try to explain to me what that's about. A guy can be as hot as possible, but it will get him nowhere if he is gay."

Tori's jaw dropped to the floor, as she stared at me in anger and shock. "They are not gay." She huffed, enunciating each word.

"Right." I snided. "If that is what they want us to believe." I shrugged my shoulders and began stacking my books on an empty shelf, pleasantly confident that I had won.

"They all just have a major bromance." She argued bitterly, eyes burning into my back.

I did not reply, but instead placed another book on the shelf with great care. I really did not want to argue with Tori, seeing as how I have just seen her again after several years apart. I did not care for the band, and maybe thought they were a little ridiculous, so what? That does not mean we have to argue over it. Everyone has their difference of opinion.

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