Chapter Ten

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No one's POV
"Is George still sleeping?" Fundy asks sitting on the couch next to Karl.

"He usually doesn't sleep in this late.." Karl says slightly concerned.

Dream and Sapnap look at each other and back at the other two boys. "He must be exhausted.." The blonde says faintly smiling.

"Because you both took him out last night?"

Fundy's not at all stupid.

"It was George's idea," Sapnap says walking into the kitchen.

"And what did you guys do?" Karl asks.

"We went out for a joy drive, now listen Karl I'm not telling Quackity you cheated on him with your ex-boyfriend but seriously. It's messed up and Sap's not even interested in you" Dream tells him annoyed heading into the kitchen with the other American.

"Well someone had to say it" Sap chuckles, he overheard the conversation. He grabs the boy's waist pulling him closer.

"I want to go back to bed.." The blonde says placing his head on the other's chest.

"Let's go then" Sapnap intertwines his fingers with Dream's.
George's POV
I slowly open my eyes looking around for a bit, the lights were still off. I look to my side and notice both Americans knocked out on each of my sides holding onto my waist. I sit up. What time is it? I slept in... I have to get up but I don't want to. "Hey.. you're awake" Sap yawns tightening his grip on me.

I faintly smile. "Unfortunately and I'm still in a lot of pain.."

"Go back to sleep"

"It's late!"

"It's only 11"


"Why are guys awake at this time?" Dream mumbles.

"Ask George"

I roll my eyes. "I'm going to use the restroom" I slip out of bed and walk to the bathroom that was connected to the room. I look at myself in the mirror. I'm still wearing Sapnap's hoodie. I wonder how long this will last. Sooner or later they'll find me. I sigh turning on the shower taking off the hoodie, I wasn't wearing anything underneath. I could use the shower. I hop in the shower feeling the warm water drop down. I hear the door open. I didn't lock it... I take a peak. "Karl?"

"I got you clean underwear.. and we sorta need to talk," He says putting it aside.

"You look a bit tense, what's up?" I continue showering.

"Jshlatt's back"

I pause for a minute and then quickly turn off the water grabbing the towel, panicking a bit. I dry myself almost immediately.

Karl smiles. "Well, you're quick. Meet me outside, Fundy knows"

I slide on the underwear and put back on Sap's hoodie. I walk out of the room and run downstairs heading out the front door. "The hell do you mean Jshlatt's back?!" I exclaim almost angry I didn't know sooner. Jshlatt's a scientist but not any scientist.. he specializes in turning humans into inhuman creatures with supernatural abilities. He's technically an outcast. They took away all lab policies and removed his professional license for using people as his guinea pigs. He did many illegal things. He is fucking ruthless. A maniac if you will.

I notice undo not wearing his cap and coat today. Instead, he's wearing his mission suit and combat boots with an ax on his back. He's not hiding his fox features.

"Your suit is in the truck with the rest of your belongings, so is Karl's," Fundy says handing me the iPad. "He was last spotted in the casino two blocks from here.."

"Fuck my mission suit... I'm going undercover"

"George don't be reckless"

"Fundy's right! Jshlatt is dangerous" Karl says backing the fox's words.

"Good thing I am too" I walk to the truck getting in the back seat. I open the bag seeing my goggles along with a few accessories. The last time I went on a mission was years ago. Fundy was caught in public by law enforcement and they had to contain him for his inhuman appearance. Karl and I love him like a brother, we didn't want anything to happen to him so we snuck out, almost causing a whole riot. Lots of people were hurt that night.. all to save Fundy. There were consequences of course- I was beaten nearly to death, Karl was contained in a box like an animal, and Fundy... He was almost put down. They almost killed him. After that, we swear to never pull shit like that again until now. At least we're free so what's the worst that can happen? I'm going to kill Jshlatt with my bare hands if it's the last thing I do.

I grab a skirt and crop top changing clothes. I put on fishnets under along with my combat boots. Lastly, I grab my goggles putting them on. We have one shot at pulling this off so better make the most of it.

It can go one of two ways.. we execute everything according to plan or- we die, maybe get caught. I'm going to make sure he doesn't make it out at least not alive. If I go down, he will too. This is revenge for everything he ever did to us. I'm going to destroy the origin of where we came from.

I finish fixing my clothes and slightly open the door. "Are you coming?" I ask Fundy who was waiting.

Fundy gets in the driver's seat. "Yeah, Karl is just letting the boys know that we're going to run a few errands. They're in the pool right now" He says starting the truck.

I close the door and sit back. "Do you have the katanas?"

"I know you like sword fighting but you shouldn't bring it to a gunfight"

I smile. "I'm skilled at what I do, I'll be fine"

"It's under the seat.."

I pull out two katanas from under the seat and tie on the strap putting them on my back.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you like Sapnap.. or Dream"

"I mean yeah- of course, I do- they're great"

"No like do you love them?"

"Love?" I think back to both scenes. Sleeping with Dream and Sapnap, having intimate relations. It was a moment of weakness I'll be honest. "I barely know what that is"

"George.. when was the last time you experienced it?"

"Don't remember unless we count you and Karl but you guys are technically family. I've never experienced a romantic attraction to anyone. It just doesn't work. I'm not meant for love. Love is fluid. It happens differently for different people. I am incapable of ever loving someone and calling them my own. People like us will never get that chance" Fundy's expression immediately softens listening to what I say. Part of him knows it's true but he's always been a lover. It doesn't really surprise me that much.

Karl opens the door to the backseat. "Jesus who died in here? It's so gloomy" He states being oblivious to our previous conversation. The boy closes the door opening his bag changing into his mission suit. "Let's get going, the sooner the better"

The ginger nods and pulls out of the driveway driving to the casino. It was one of the most famous ones here in Las Vegas or so I've heard. We still don't have a plan. Guess we'll figure it out when we get there.

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