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Uraraka and Midoriya hoisted Mei up, Killua taking the front. Immediately, teams converged on them from all sides. Killua pressed the button on Mei's invention, the wires wrapping around his three companions. "Urakaka, use your quirk on Mei and Midoriya" he ordered. She nodded, then quickly did so. Killua felt the load on his shoulders lighten, then hoisted all three of them up effortlessly. Honestly he didn't need zero gravity to do it, but he didn't want to show his full hand yet. "Oh I see! But are you sure you can-" Midoriya was cut off with a yelp as Bakugou made a grab for their headband. "YOU THINK YOUR BETTER THAN ME HAH? WELL ILL SHOW YOU EXTRA!"

Killua gathered Nen into his feet, then leapt vertically in his air about twenty feet. "Holy crap-" Uraraka gripped onto him and Midorya. "are you sure you can land-", "YOU THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE ME EXTRAS!?" Bakugou yelled, blasting upwards towards them with his quirk. Killua unleashed a wave of bloodlust, causing him to freeze up. Bakugou fell backwards, swearing. Sero yanked him back with his tape, and Killua landed with his load smoothly. His three teammates were silent, focusing on the game.

Killua kept his eyes on the general crowd, dodging other teams as they dived for the headband. He saw an opportunity, and decided to strike. Killua activated godspeed, then made a lap around the fighting teams in a flash. "WHAT'S THIS? KILLUA'S QUIRK IS ELECTRICITY BASED? WHAT A SHOCKER! HAHA!" The crowd roared in excitement, and Killua rolled his eyes. "Woah I can't say I was expecting that!" Mei exclaimed, laughing. Suddenly electricity spiked up in the ground in a circle, containing all of the other teams inside. There was a pretty decent sliver of land on the other side where he was.

"The hell?","what's-","is it safe to touch?", "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Killua didn't even have to look to know who that last voice was. "we should be good for the rest of the match" Midoriya started mumbling, which Killua simply zoned out. Man he talks a lot. Killua watched the rest of the teams fight it out viciously. A few of them attempted to get past the barrier, but gave up quickly started turning on eachother and focusing on lower point counts.

The siren for the game to end blared, and Killua simply snapped his fingers. The electric wall dissipated, and the other students kept glancing over at him in awe and jealousy. The snap was more of a fake tell, it could help fool an opponent later in the festival. "That was amazing!" Uraraka exclaimed, as she deactivated her quirk and he let them all down. "Hm?" Midoriya's eyes were also shining. "yeah its incredible! I've never seen a pro hero with that kind of ability, it's like Kaminari's but more powerful!"

There was a sulk from nearby. "aw man, how am I supposed to stand out when everyone's watching him?" a male with yellow hair and a black streak running through it said, with a grumble. Killua blinked. I'm guessing that's Kaminari. Killua didn't really care about his competition, it didn't matter. He could crush them all with both hands behind his back and his eyes closed if he really wanted to. "NOW FOR A LUNCH BREAK BEFORE THE AFTERNOON FESTIVITIES!"

With that, most of the students started to disperse. However one in particular walked over to him, he had eyebags and messy purple hair. "Hey" Killua didn't reply, scanning his form. He doesn't seem dangerous. But then..how did he do that? Control those people? "where you from?" he asked, in a voice that said he had an ulterior motive. Killua hummed. "nowhere you've heard of" There was a pause for a few moments. Killua felt a small tug in his brain, however he was easily able to shake it off and placed his hands behind his head in a nonchalant manner. A brief expression of shock flashed across the purple haired teen's face, before quickly vanishing.

He tried to use his quirk on me didn't he? He let out a soft chuckle. "Sorry, can't control someone like me" Killua said, turning his back. I've been controlled one too many times for the same old tricks to keep working...

802 words

To be continued...

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