Stats :D

764 31 32

because i totally didn't forget to post this-

keep in mind i havent read the manga, so none of that is canon in my au :3


Age 16

Strength: 86 tons

Pain tolerance: can withstand several severe wounds and keep on fighting normally

Poison resistance good fucking luck- he drinks gallons of cyanide when he goes to parties instead of alcohol

Electricity resistance can withstand up to half a billion volts of electricity with ease

Speed can catch bullets, run up walls vertically with the use of nen and speed, and his max speed is almost doubled

Nen Godspeed and thunder palms increased in power, new nen application discovered, En can reach 70 meters

Nuro manipulation: this nen ability requires direct touch and can only be used as long as Killua has direct contact with the subject's forehead. He can send signals to the subject's brain via electricity and force them to alter their train of thought about a certain subject or limitedly control their body's movements. Not perfected yet.

Intelligence college level capabilities, and keen battle intellect

Other capabilities Bloodlust is now 10x easier to manipulate, he can send it to a single target even if they're in a crowd.


Age 16

Strength 8 tons

Pain tolerance Can take a one severe and multiple minor wounds and keep on fighting

Senses eyesight, hearing, and smell has heightened by 40%

Speed Speed has doubled

Holding breath can hold his breath for thirty minutes

Nen has increased in strength, and can use 'paper' efficiently.

Intelligence with painstaking help from professionals, Gon has gotten to highschool freshmen level in academics. His battle intellect has increased substantially

Other capabilities can communicate fluently with birds, and is extremely empathic with animals

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