The Power of Money

Start from the beginning

She rolled her eyes; ,,You again, Kellan?"

Kellan just grinned at her through the pain. ,,Hello again, Sacha."

Shay raised her eyebrows a bit at the thought that the two of them knew each other by name already.

The tall woman with coal-like hair showed the two of them the way inside, closing the door behind them. She told Kellan to sit down, pointing at the deckchair in the back of her small office. If one could even call it that. Sacha took out some stuff that Shay didn't quite recognise and then inspected Kellan's injuries, who had already lay. Sacha took out some stuff that Shay didn't quite recognise and then inspected Kellan's injuries, who had already laid down.

Shay watched them, not wanting to interfere. She was nervously tapping her feet on the ground and playing with her fingers in the corner of the room full of white furniture, eyes at Kellan for one second and at the ground the next. The sounds of her cracking her knuckles echoed throughout the room, making Sacha turn to Shay for a moment with curled lips and her nose crinkled.

Sacha frowned and turned to one of the cabinets, looking for something. It seemed like either she had trouble finding the very thing she needed or she was deeply focused.

,,What is it, miss? Is it something serious?" Shay couldn't help but ask. Numerous things had crossed her mind and she wasn't able to exclude the worst possible outcomes unless she was sure. While Shay had to wipe her sweaty hands on her vest every few seconds, Kellan looked calm, only the grimaces appearing from time to time through the inspection showed in how much pain he actually was.

,,Only if you take a broken rib and displaced shoulder as something serious. If not, then it's just a few scratches."

,,Just one rib? Lame!" Kellan smirked. He thought Tean had done much more damage than that.

Shay's eyes widened. How could he make fun of such thing!  Shay's panic made her unable to process the rest of their time at the nursery. Sacha's words kept resonating in her head.

Kellan's too reckless. How could he let this happen?  She just watched as Sacha asked Kellan questions while taking care of his wounds. Only a few scratches, mostly bruises.

She didn't look twice at the, to her unimportant, scars and only focused on his chest. His rib was her main priority right now. As much as he wanted to just waive at it, he couldn't . It wasn't just some broken bone. This one hurt like hell. He felt so uncomfortable sitting there almost shirtless as Sacha bandaged both his shoulder and chest. He was fine till it was only unbuttoned shirt. Now he just wished Shay wasn't looking in his direction. He was more than happy that he could keep his glove on.

,,Done. Off you go. And, I can't even stress this enough, no more fighting for a month at least. Do you hear me?" The nurse pointed a warning finger. Kellan just nodded, waiting for her to shut up. Sacha's words went into Kellan's mind by one ear and left through the other on in an instant.

After their visit at the school nursery, they headed straight to the principal's office, although it didn't go as smoothly as Shay expected.

,,I honestly don't feel like going," he said, making Shay unsure whether it was about his physical or mental state.

,,Kellan, we have to go there. I'm sure it's nothing serious," Shay kept convincing him, knowing it definitely was way more serious than anything they had faced so far.

,,Nothing serious? You broke one of the main rules and I started a fight with the rich kid! Lord, this is going to be serious," he couldn't stop hitting his head with his hands as they were approaching the office. ,,Maybe we don't have to go there?" he suggested with a crooked smile.

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