"Ha ha oh god!..." I giggle nervously then spin back round to Kiri, this time yanking at the restraints harder. He approaches quick just as Tsireya freed Tuk, his large frame passing by me and snatching up Tuk under his arm, my face dropped and Tsireya scurried to Tuk's side trying to grab her back, as she did he grabbed Tsireya with his free hand and launched her back into the small square gap in the deck that had water down below.

"Ah!" She cried out as she hit the water. I immediately scrambled up and faced him just as he turned to see me, I was just about to reach for Tuk but his blue fist collided with my jaw instantly, almost knocking me right out. It was so strong I fell over the rails behind me.

"Y/N!" Kiri screamed after me. She then snapped her head to face Quaritch as he set Tuk down, taking out new restraints from the side of his belt and snapped her wrists together again.

"Nrgh!" She struggled.
"I can't believe I'm tied up again..." She cried out in frustration.

I finally collected myself, I was in pure shock as I held my jaw staggering up and wobbling once I was stood upright. I flexed my jaw with my hands, making sure it was still there. My eyes finally fixed on him, he come closer, eyes narrowed down on me. I was frozen in disbelief he did that to me.

I began to step back as he approached. He stepped over the rails and then snatched out towards me and grabbed my neck with only one hand.

"Ugh!" I grunted in return, clawing at his hand.

"Get off her!" Kiri yelled to him as she frantically dragged her restraints along the pole. The sun was closer behind the moon now, everything becoming darker more.

"Let...go, Miles!" I shouted, trying to breathe as he dragged me down towards the end of the ship. My head was stiff solid in place by his hand taking up all the height of my neck, I couldn't break free as much as I tried to.

He paused once we were more in the open again but I couldn't tell why.

"Where is she!?" He yelled into my face as he shook my head in place towards the poles infront of us.

"Owuh!" I cried out in pain.

"Where's your human?!" He asked again yelling closer to me so even spit was landing on my face. He pointed to the rails with his free hand.

"I... Don't know!" I lied.

"I'm not buying that! You've been getting in the way from day one! If you think I won't kill you then you've got another thing coming sweetheart!" He yelled angrily to my face. I was shaking, the roaring of his voice always brought tears to my eyes.

"I'm sorry..." I began struggling again, my voice high pitched. From behind him I saw the others begin to sneak onto the ship, it was Lo'ak, Ao'nung, Neteyam and Ti'loni. I closed my eyes in dissapointment for them, I wish they'd have just left. Quaritch caught my eyes looking behind him, he was about to turn around until I blurted out the first distracting words I could think of.

"I care about you!" I blabbed. He looked at me again, angry brows and his head tilting, his teeth somewhat baring.

"Don't try that with me young girl-" he began. As I saw them approach closer and closer I began to grow more nervous but more hopeful, they stopped behind every half wall or box they could see.

"Miles please!"

"Where's this all coming from huh?" He asked, his hand moving from my neck to my plait, yanking it down, his other hand caught both of my wrists together.

"We can move on from this... abandon your mission with Jake. Me, you and Spider can run away, we can start a new life away from all this war and madness!"

"You really think I'll just abandon my mission? Who do you think I am?" He asked.

"I know you're a good guy deep inside! I've seen it in your eyes, you don't wanna do this but you feel like you have to. We can leave, far away-"

"Don't be ridiculous" he growled. I look past him again and see the four of them sneaking past behind him towards where Kiri and Tuk are in the next area, I see Ti'loni slowing down and sneaking towards me and Quaritch instead, drawing his knife from his bandolier, crouching like an assasin, I see Ao'nung watch his cousin too, he too then changed path from Neteyam and Lo'ak towards me. My tail began to swish rapidly. I just really need to distract him enough.

"You think it's ridiculous? Running away with me?" I ask, putting on crocodile tears.

"I don't need distractions. I've got a ship to run if you haven't noticed. I'll deal with you later" he says then drops me to the floor. God damnit I thought I was convincing.

He then takes out his spare cuffs from his belt and snaps one on my right wrist. I begin to faff around and make it hard for him.

"Stay still damnit!" He growls as he snatched my other hand from under the pole my human was tied to before.


Ti'loni's knife comes flying through the air and slices across Quaritch's hand, making him pull it back quickly and hiss in pain, his hand now oozing red.

"ARGH GOD DAMNIT WHAT THE HELL?!" He yells and snaps his head towards Ti'loni only to get rugby tackled by him a second later.

"HYAH!" Ti'loni yells and they both go tumbling off the boat and into the water.

"Loni!" I shout after him and try to go after them but I'm held back by my own wrist, I look up only to realise I'm still attached as the other cuff end was wrapped around the pole, I pull myself up and begin twisting my whole body around it, cutting off circulation to my wrist.

Ao'nung then rushes over to me and stands on the other side of the rails, tugging immediately at the orange cuffs.

"Hey" I smile brightly to him, relieved.

"Hi" he grinned brightly back at me, changing his whole face shape as his fangs showed. I glanced back down at my wrists, trying to hide my own smirk but I was failing awfully.

After a good twenty seconds of struggling it was clear I wouldn't get free without an injury. Ao'nung then flipped himself around and over the rails, landing right next to me, he then reached his arm across infront of me and began controlling the situation as I sat back, one hand supporting myself and the other stretched out ahead of me. He pressed his feet against the pole and wrapped two hands around the cuffs, just infront of my hand.

"Pull!" He instructed me. He then begins to pull and so do I, kicking off the metal pole too.

"I'm... trying!" I squirm and strain.


We're both thrown back as he practically lands on me, as I'm rolling around I'm pulled up by him, I use his arms to pull myself up further, almost falling on him myself but we begin to run towards where the others went. I glance back to the sea again where Ti'loni and Quaritch fell into, I feel my wrist being pulled away into the opposite direction and I'm following Ao'nung again as he pulls me away.

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