Chapter 27

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I drift off to sleep slowly. I feel my body do the fake fall thing and I snap awake in a shock.

"Shit!" I hissed. I go to close my eyes again but then I open them once I realised I'm not in the room anymore. Everything's dark coloured like a horror movie. I'm in the same room but it's all a shade darker, almost with an envy green hazey fog around everything. I look around but notice the door is wide open. I begin to walk towards it eerily.

I leaned over the doorway into the hall. There was no one around. I hear whispering coming from a room. I approach the door carefully, tip- toeing.

I push open the door lightly, it opens the rest on its own. I see Quaritch in the room, sitting down at a desk on his own. He looks towards the door and I freeze still. He gets up and walks over to the door casually, walking right through me. I felt a blast of cold blow in my face and my insides churned all around, I look back in shock to him, he shuts the door then walks back through me to his chair again. The same feeling occured. He paused and looked towards me again, looking through me. He shivered a little and brushed his shoulder, then returned to looking at papers on his desk. I approached him very confused as to why he just blatantly blanked me.

I stood right beside him and looked over his shoulder at the papers, glancing at him a few times first. It was a map that had crosses dotted around it, one spot in particular was circled red. I'm guessing it was where we were going next. I look closer and see it's not far from Tulkun's rock, then it only took me a moment to realise that's where the Metkayina clan is not far from there.

He leans back on his chair and spins a knife around the table, it's silver blade pointing into the metal surface. After a few seconds of thinking he stands from his chair. I jump back, not wanting to be walked through again. He headed for his door and opened it, I quickly followed after him.

He walked down the hall and stopped outside the room I was in. He lifted a flap that was on the wall and looked into it. I frowned and approached closer, I took a peek too and saw that it was a tiny hidden window to the room. I backed away frowning.

I study at him as he watches my body in the room. His eyes look around the room but he mostly just watches me sleep. After being creeped out enough I pick up on the voices again that lead down the hall. I give him one last look before leaving and following the whispers.

I head down the hall and pass the main room. I look around, there's people here, humans and avatars but they're just doing their own thing. I continue walking down another corridoor. The whispers stop outside of this heavy metal door. The whispers sounded like woodsprite, the high pitched laughs and gasps of children. It's what you'd imagine pixies to doing like.

The door was locked from the outside. I rattled at it a little but it didn't budge. I looked up and down to find where it was locked. To my luck it was only a bolted door. I had to jump to unbolt the top latch but I did it after several attempts. The middle and lower bolt were easy.

I pushed the door and it opened, it took a horrendous amount of energy to do so which was very confusing as it didn't look that heavy, but it felt like the door weighed 1000kg. Once I could squeeze my body through it halfway, the door then began to shut, I pushed myself through the rest of the way and it slammed shut behind me.

I couldn't see a thing in here. I tried feeling the walls for a switch but it was all flat. I raised my hands in the air to try and find a light that had a lever hanging from it or some sort of switch on the wall.

When I pointed my hand to a certain point, a very dim light began to flicker. I jumped back in freight and stared at the now gone light.

"What the hell?" I asked myself. I tried again slowly and the light flickered. I hesitated before I pushed my hand out infront of me closer to the celing. The light began to get brighter and brighter until it switched on.

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