Chapter 14

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Then I notice the little girl was me, when I was five. I watch as she fires a toy gun at him, shouting 'bang bang!' and how he falls to the ground pretending he's been shot. In the corner of my eye as we watch I see Quaritch's ears falling down. He was watching ever so closely. My eyes lowered and I looked ahead again.

My child self is prodding him with the fake gun nozzle as he lays on the floor unresponsive.

"You're not really dead!" She laughs.

"Rah!" Quarich scares her and causes her to scream and laugh as he picks her up and tosses her in the air.

"Colonel, don't drop her" I hear a woman's voice and my mom walks into the scene out of thin air carrying something, she walks past them then dissapears again.

"Mom I want a real gun!" My younger self whined and ran off into the abyss after her. The human Quaritch watches my younger self leave then smiles to himself. He then picks up a mobile and phones someone.

"...Hey, how's Miles doing?" He asks into the device. He then dissapears too after taking a slow walk away. His voice fading. Everything was now silent. Not even the whispers could be heard around us. We were both speechless. I feel him shift around besides me.

I hesitate before I look up to him. He sees me and looks down. I wanted to feel care for him but then I'm reminded of why my mother is really here. I scowl at him then walk back into Eywa's maze. He follows me of course.

"What was that?" He asks. I forget he's still new to everything.

"Memories." I say, still walking.

"How-?" He asks, pulling my arm back to stop me walking. I turn around in shock, shocked that nothing happened when he touched me.

"Go back, you shouldn't be here" I say.

"I don't know how" he says. Neither did I. I then looked up.

"Eywa, take me back" I say. To my suprise that actually worked. I wasn't next to Quaritch anymore but I was still here. I walk a little and I begin to see water ahead of me. I see villagers around but it's not the Metkayina clan, it's another one, my vision changes and I see fire all over suddenly, crying could be heard all around me but it all stopped as fast as it appeared. Then I heard voices all around... it sounded like Neytiri crying and Jake yelling. I begin to see a mass of water and I hear bullets being shot and Tonowari's voice yelling. I see flashes of aircraft and boats all around the sea, dotted around. Again it all dissapeared as fast and I felt my body fall from beneath me as I was brought back immediately to the real world.

I floated there in shock for a moment. I looked around myself and I was surrounded by little bright golden fish. I took my hair off the tree and found myself needing air. I began to swim up to the surface, the fish pushing me up beneath my feet.

Finally I reach the surface and gasp for air. I take off the creature that was on my back and let it float off again. The fish follow me all the way to my hut. I get on the walk way platform and wave goodbye to them, they follow after the shadow of my hand.

I hear slight creaking and I look up to see Ronal on the other pathway, looking at me then down to the fish. She squints her eyes then tilts her head slightly. I look down to them again then stand up, walking into the hut. I didn't hang around, I felt like she was judging me and I didn't want her thinking I was a witch either.

I lie down and try to sleep, letting my mind dissapear and I'm brought to my human body again.


*Two days later*

I talk with Jake whilst he's sharpening his knife.

"So there's been more RDA activity on my human side" I tell him.

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