Chapter 13

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I run ahead a little and get there before the others do. Jake and Neteyam are already there. They stop talking and look towards me, mirroring my face.

"Y/n?" Jake asks.

"Kiri, she's had a seizure" I say. The two of them then jump up to their feet and speed out the hut, passing me.

"They're bringing her-" I begin to call after Jake. He turns around quickly and gave me an order.

"Get Norm here immediately!" He demands then runs off to the others that are bringing her out the water. I panic a little then hide myself behind some leafy curtains at the back of the hut. I throw myself down on the floor and disconnect quickly.


I feel my body float through atherial colours and I'm brought to my human consciousness again. I don't waste a second to throw the bed roof off me.


"Woah!" I hear Norm say as I've just caused a scene, all eyes on me. I turn to Norm quickly who has half an apple in his mouth.

"They need you! Kiri's had a seizure!" I spit out as quick as I can. He jumped up right away and a few people around us began rushing around for medical supplies to pack. I jumped off the bed and began helping with the preparation. I gathered as many supplies I could take, I packed food for my dad and loaded fresh water into the helicopter out the back.

My dad come out the building in his avatar with a backpack and headed towards the aircraft. He hopped in quickly.

"I'll see you there" I say and he nodded.

"Alright" he said and flashed up the aircraft. The choppers began turning and creating hurricanes of air, turning into a rapid spin. I held my hair down and hopped out the cargo space, landing roughly on the floor and making a speed walk towards the building again. I watched him take off before I gotten myself back in the link bed.

I hop in and pull the metal wires over me first, one of the scientists, Ella helped me get started as she worked the process. She pulled the roof down and before I knew it, I faded back to my avatar body.


I get up, checking I'm still in the hut. I am, I'm still hidden but I hear the panic and carnage already from outside the curtains. I enter the room, still a little dizzy from the rush to get back here. Neytiri sees me and runs up to me.

"How long?" She asks, hands on my shoulders.

"Maybe an hour? He's travelling full speed" I say.

"Rahh!" She says as she walks off, unhappy with my answer. She wanted him here now. I bend down to where Kiri is laying. Ronal is out at the moment hunting, she won't get here before Norm to do things the natural way.

"What's happened so far?" I ask Jake.

"She's still unconscious but breathing" he says.

"Right" I say, trying to figure out what I can do to help.

"Go find Ronal" he says and I stand and do that. I rush out of the hut and run off to the docks. I don't have time to saddle Pheobe so one of these Skimwing's will do. I whistle and it comes to me, as I've been taught.

I calm it as quickly as I can before attaching my hair and climbing on its back.

"Go!" I say.

It then speeds off but I keep a hold instantly, not budging. There's one of two hunting seas they could've gone but I'm gonna try my luck with the east of relative bearings.

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