Tom's back!

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By the following yule I had figured out that Abraxus Malfoy was the best one to ask to keep adults busy while I brought him back. So I had cornered him a week prior and informed him of what I needed. He would keep papa Snape and the others busy. While I did the ritual with death in the crystal cave. I had made sure to disguise myself in heavy robes not wanting Tom to recognize me. I even had a voice changer stuck to my throat to ensure my discretion.

I watched as his soul was pulled into the ritual circle. keeping my focus death and myself carefully began to knit his soul back to shape. The only piece missing was the small piece in my head. Death gave a sharp tug pulling the same size piece from me and slotting it into place within Tom's own soul. After his soul was repaired I watched it for a moment gathering my energy back up.

"Tom Marvelo Riddle, welcome to my palace. I'm sure you have noticed what I've done. I won't be revealing who I am as that is not important at the moment." I informed the wraith who was clearly pissed off. "Your friends have been searching for you. And you've gained a good friend in little Lord Emrys. It is he who has financed this as well as given me the ritual for this." The wraith was now still. Watching me wondering what was next. He did however seem less angry now though.

"Now you'll be given a new body. However it comes at the cost of never making another one of those tethers. But you still have one. Do you understand this Mr. Riddle?" I asked seeing the wraith give something similar to a nod I began to do the ritual to give him a new body. Death helping me the whole way.

Soon the body was forming around the wraith. Bone and muscle tissue forming first. Then organs and skin he was screaming at this. I knew it would hurt but there was nothing for it. Once his body was finished forming I could see how weak and tired he was, yet he remained awake if barely. Stepping lightly to him I spoke softly. "You won't be able to leave this place on your own. But once your healed I will take you from here myself to Abraxus. He awaits your return with excitement." Floating him to a guest room I tucked him in before leaving to the cave. Once safely in my room I promptly passed out.


Abraxus had managed to convince all of us adults to have a gathering after the children were tucked in. And had been for the past hour getting everyone playing drinking games with muggle alcohol. Basically everyone was getting drunk. Fenrir was also getting drunk and very handsy with me. Not that I minded one bit.

I noticed Abraxus was begining to favor his left arm even as mine began to give a dull throb. Then a sharp stab of pain shot though it causing me and many others to gasp and grab our arms. Abraxus had hissed and winced at the pain but quickly began to get others back to drinking. I knew he was aware of whatever was going on. So I approached him. "Any idea what is happening with our marks?" I asked while pulling my sleeve up to look.

My eyes widened as I saw the mark had darkened significantly. It looked like it had been put there just yesterday. "Nope not a clue. Must be something good though as dark as it has become." Abraxus said clearly giddy. I gave him a doubtful look. "Boy was right. About him still being around looks like. Must be coming home soon." He was practically bouncing in place now. But his words gave me pause. Looking over my shoulder I saw Fenrir had heard him as well. Both of us became worried for Vel's safety.

"Think it's time we head home. It's been lovely Abraxus." I told him turning to leave only to be stopped by his hand.

"Don't go just yet Severus. Besides you've been drinking best not to aperate right yet. Eat some food drink some water. Don't want to splinch now do you?" He hurriedly asked clearly trying to delay us. Giving me more reason to suspect him and some new reason to suspect Vel of having a hand in this. But it was sound logic. So I gave a small nod.

Vel Marous EmrysWhere stories live. Discover now