Victoria: "You haven't touched your coffee in the past 10 minutes."

Ariana: "Huh!? I what!? I'm not that thirsty." I look up at her smiling nervously.

Victoria: "Right, sure you are."

Ariana: "What!? I'm serious, I'm not thirsty."

Njomza: "Just admit it you miss your girlfriend."

I didn't want to admit it at all. I didn't want to have Courtney all over my ass telling me she was right.

Jace: "Thanks for inviting us with you on tour, we appreciate it."

Ariana: "Ya no problem, it's more fun with friends." I look over at Doug & Jace.

I would've invited the other guys but they couldn't make it.

Courtney: "Doesn't it feel weird not having Faith around?"

Ariana: "Court I get what your doing & guys come on I don't miss her I'm doing just fine without her not going to give a shit or fuck cause she's not going to be gone for long."

That's what I was hoping for but I really didn't know.

Njomza: "What is she even doing back in Florida?"

Ariana: "Family emergency, I wanted to go but I couldn't leave my fans this early on tour & after they paid to come see me."

Courtney: "She didn't let you go with her did she?"

I want to speak but I sigh & nod, I did everything I could the night before begging to go with her. None of that works, but she's right almost every time.

Ariana: "It's fucking dumb I should be with her by her side she's my girlfriend." I groan.

Victoria: "She has a point though you have fans & a concert to perform."

Ariana: "I know that shit." I take a sip of my coffee. " It's just unfair that I can't go."

Doug: "If you did go, what about all the people who paid to come see you perform, it wouldn't be unfair to them."

Jace: "He has a valid point Ari, I'd just trust in Faith she knows what she is doing."

Victoria: "Jace isn't wrong."

Ariana: "Ya I know but with Faith & her mom are not on good terms & something happened the years we were apart but she just won't tell me." I sigh.

Courtney: "You could just ask her."

Jace: "Ya why not ask her you guys are inseparable."

Ariana: "She's not going to tell me shit...I'll look stupid & needy asking her over & over."

Victoria: "We can be there with you."

Courtney: "Ya you won't be alone."

Ariana: "Nope Uh-uh this personal only between her & I...Just forget it guys, let's just go to the mall, or karaoke distract myself from all of this."

I kept checking my phone for any replies for my bebe but still nothing. I really hope everything is going okay with her.

(Natalie pov)


Maricel: "Mi hija?"

Faith: "No estoy aquí para discutir, me voy a ir, fue un error volver a casa."

As Faith is about to head out my mom grabs her arm, she drags her back inside.

Maricel: "Por qué regresaste después de tantos años? sabes lo preocupados que estábamos todos."

Faith: "Ya sabes por qué, por mi culpa, siempre yo, no quiero discutir, volví porque quería, no por ti, mamá."

Natalie's thoughts: "This isn't how I thought it'd go...fuck me."

I had to do something even, Abuelita wasn't having this. I was just watching them argue like they both never left.

Natalie: "Ya!! paren, no puedo con esto, por qué no podemos ser una familia otra vez!?"

Faith: "Mamá todavía cree que es mi culpa y no está jodiendo, tiene razón, no puedo hacer nada más que matar a nuestro hermano."

Abuelita & I looked at her in disbelief, I didn't think she'd say that in front of mom & Abuelita.

Maricel: "Nunca te culpé por eso, nunca... nos dejaste para seguir ese estúpido sueño de hacer música."

Faith: "I never wanted to run the family business, Nico was supposed to!! Nico!!"

Abuelita: Los dos dejen de discutir, cálmense y hablen esto con calma, si no más tarde, Fe tienes 23 para entender....Maricel esa es tu hija."

Faith: "Por eso no quise volver... Siempre soy el mal ejemplo para todos."

Maricel: "Do you think we asked for all of this?...cuatro años Faith, esperando que vuelvas a casa, cuatro años."

Faith: "Ya me voy." Faith walks away.

I go after & while I hear my mom & Abuelita discussing this mess.

Natalie: "You really didn't mean any of that shit did you!?"

Faith: "Mom thinks I'm a bad example, that I'm to fucking blame!! She's not wrong, look at where I am, what happened to Nico, the shit mess I called a friendship with Ariana...come on Nat, I can't do anything right for myself!!"

Natalie: "Your shit mess landed you the best girlfriend in the whole world, & You didn't know what was going to happen that day, you have to stop blaming didn't know how to grieve the loss it's not your fault."

It wasn't her fault, I'm doing what I can to keep this family together. I want to help my big sister, she just won't let me.

Natalie: "Where are you going to sleep huh!? It's late, you can just go sleep in some old disgusting motel."

Faith: "Perks of having a rich girlfriend I don't have to worry!! It's not like I want to, mom & I in the same room won't happen."

Natalie: "What about Abuelita!!?"

She stops in her place, & Abuelita walks out of the house. Just like that I was able to make her stay the night in her old room.

Faith: "Don't you dare smile, I'm only sleeping the night because of Abuelita."

Natalie: "I'm not geez, make yourself at home, no one touched your room we left how it was the day left." I smile weakly at her.

She walks into her room with her duffle bag. Closing the door behind her.

Natalie: "Goodnight..." I sigh.

I decided to walk to the kitchen, maybe get myself something to drink, just to hear mom & Abuelita talking about Faith.

Abuelita: "Tienes que entender que es mayor de edad para tomar sus propias decisiones."

Maricel: "Mamá cuatro anos y por fin llega, no quiero ser duro con ella pero no abandones a tu propia familia."

Abuelita: "Ella tenía su razón mira como la trataste cuando su hermano falleció."

Maricel: "De qué otra manera podría haber actuado? Todo sucedió tan rápido y ella quería seguir a esa chica Ariana y su estilo de vida... no era para ella, es por eso que Nico se fue por sus decisiones tontas.

I didn't want to hear anymore than that. Neither of them can get over it. I don't want to know how she'd react when she finds out about Ariana & Faith.

Natalie's thoughts: "Love, hate, that's family for you, fuck this mess...none of this would happen if it wasn't for that stupid piece of shit driver." I sigh laying in bed thinking to myself.

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