When He Had A Nightmare (Part 2)

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Midoriya's POV

Huh? Wait, what's happening?

Where am I?

It's too dark that I can't even see anything...

Am I in the void?? There are no walls and anything that I could touch, it... even felt spacious.

I fell down into a hard and roughly pavement which I don't even know why in the first place

'W-Where am I...??' I thought to myself as I looked around

'What is this? Why is everything so dark?'

"My angel? Where are you?!" I called out Hya as I looked around the dark but no response

I tried to calm myself down and tried to think

Before I could think anything, everything around me changed and now I found myself in--

'M-Midway Street? Where Hya-chan lives?! W-What the??'

I found myself in Midway Street, in Forest Hills, where Hya lives, but I'm in the middle of the road in the night, I could even hear cars and motorcycles from a bit of a distance near the exit gate from this street

I turned around and see Hya's Jr. High school where she studies in her middle school years

'Why am I here for?' I thought and sighed

I started running to Hya's place, turning left

'This is crazy... why did I fell in the sky in the first place? Don't tell me--'


I heard the loud scream ahead but it's too dark that I can't even tell who's voice was it

'No streetlights? But there's always streetlights here?'

So since I have no idea what to do but stand there, I ran and decided to check and see what's going on

When I noticed the streetlights are starting to flicker orange colored lights, I can see two figures; I can see one figure stabbing the other figure

When the view became clearer when the lights are back on, the figures I'm seeing are--


In front of my very eyes, I can see my one and only girlfriend being stabbed in the stomach none other than her... ex-boyfriend.




Why am I seeing this?! WHAT IS THIS?!

Why did I fell from the sky and see this at that moment?

So many things started to clutter in my head that my face is already full of shock and pale like I'm a fruit being squeezed


Since I was too overwhelmed with all the feelings I was building up for a few minutes, I had the guts to call out THE Alexander

I started to tear up when I saw Hya looking at my direction and was already groaning from the stab


I ran towards to him while questioning with my loud voice but unfortunately, Alexander shoots with his gun that almost shot me and threw my real-life girlfriend on the floor

Izuku Midoriya Boyfriend Scenarios (Hya x Izuku | IzuHya, MidoHya)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن