When He's Jealous

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Hya's POV

Okie, we all know that Midoriya Izuku is a sweet, little bby broccoli boy, but you know? I read so much Midoriya Izuku Boyfriend Scenarios so many times which was by my favorite author MegaBlazethecat

And I totally imagine him being jealous by just reading the fanfic scenario

But was he really gonna be jealous in real life? I just don't know.

But anyways, back at the present, me and Izuku were at the park, having a picnic date

"You know, I never thought Andrei would actually pull a prank on me with just shooting a paintball at me with the freaking paintball gun, just like Funnel Duddz did to his family while hiding a camera somewhere!" I explained what just happened yesterday's Andrei's silly pranks while laughing, making Izuku laugh

"He did?" He asked

"Yeah! I was doing my solo choreography with the song Anpanman by BTS, just until Andrei came in the dance studio with a paintball gun without me noticing and shooting at me, like, so many times and he recorded the whole thing... Aish, he's an idiot and always silly as ever, doing pranks on me like that. Hahaha!"

On and on, I still ramble about the pranks Andrei did and even the pranks I did with Xhander and Andrei, which made Izuku laugh at my silliness and playfulness

"Ah! Dang it, you're so cute when you laugh! Hehe." I said and giggled, making him blush

"N-No I'm not! You are, Hya-chan!" He said

"Nope! Uno reverse, you are!" I said as I laugh and brought out my UNO reverse card as just a joke

"No, you are!" He said and he tackled me into a hug, making us laugh

"Yah! So, what is it? Was it makes us both win, like win-win?" I asked, while grinning

"Haha, yeah." He said and giggled

"Huh? Hya, is that you?" I heard a familiar male voice from behind, we both turned around to see...

"Josiah?!" I exclaimed

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I stood up and ran to him

"Huh? Ah, I was just walking around, taking a walk, until I saw you. Like, man, can't believe we get to see each other here!" Josiah said and we hugged

But little did I know, Izuku's been watching me talking to Josiah excitedly with an intimidating, and pouting look

As we talked, I could feel an intimidating vibe from someone and was staring at me, but I ignore the feeling

Just when Josiah was about to say something, I felt a gush of wind and in an instant, Izuku was already by my side, but he was hugging me on the side and he kinda look... different.

His expression was filled with mixed emotion and his lips were pouting and his eyebrows are knitting up a bit

Wait... he's pouting?

And also, not to mention, the way he's hugging me was quite tight and needy

Wait a dang minute, did my theories about that were right or something? The way I think of him being jealous though, I think this is the same as the Boyfriend Scenarios that MegaBlazethecat just wrote

"Hya-chan, do you think we should go back and continue our date somewhere?" He asked and he kind of sounds like he's in a hurry

This actually made me confuse, but I shook it off and smiled at him

"Yeah! Yeah, sure. Well, see you whenever, Josiah." I said and we both left

It was kind of weird and awkward that Izuku's been glaring at Josiah, though, not gonna lie

~Time Skip - At The Amusement Park~

All right, so we're almost at amusement park, but the funny thing is that Izuku is still hugging me tight by the side while walking

Okay, uh... this is a bit weird to say but... it's like I'm seeing a freaking different side of Izuku, and it's quite... I don't know

I never seen him act like that before even though he was childhood friend for 11 years

I moved my eyes to him and all of a sudden he finally spoke after being so quiet ever since we exited the train station

"Umm, Hya-chan?" He asked and looked at me

"Yeah, Izuku-kun?" I replied and smiled

"Is everything alright--"

"I-I'm sorry to ask but who was that guy you were with a while ago?"

My eyes widened from his question but since I forgot to tell him who he was along the way, I decided to answer

"Crud, uh... he's a close friend of mine back at Junior High." I explained and smiled at him

'And also that guy who I kissed as a dare when me, Andrei, Xhander and my other classmates were playing truth or dare... sheesh...'

"If I remembered correctly, he moved to another country to transfer another school, but came back here when he graduated."

"I see..." He said and gulped

"B-But... um..."

His words trailed off and suddenly we stopped and coincidentally, we were under the tree with a dim and cool shade

"To be honest, I felt... upset when I saw him hugging you and how much he talked to you very close." Izuku said and looked down

"Like at that moment, I really don't want him to steal you away from me..."

And I knew it...

All the freaking along

I couldn't help but to smile slowly since I couldn't utter a word

"Izuku-kun-- WOAH!"

I was interrupted by Izuku hugging me but only this time, he was finally in front and wrapping his arms around my body properly

"You're mine, right?" Izuku asked innocently and cupped my face

I can totally feel my freaking getting hot from that question and my lips curled into smile and moved my eyes away in embarrassment

"Uh, y-yeah? Of course!" I said and chuckle nervously

"But... I'll be yours and... n-no way one will s-steal me away from you, though."

I can see him slowly smiling from my words and without even a hesitation, he leaned to kiss my lips softly

Okay, I thought it would be a soft one but nope, I was wrong

The way he kissed me was more tender but I loved every bit of it especially when he kissed me over and over-- wait, what?

"I love you, my sweetie." He said and hugged me tighter before nuzzling my nose playfully, making me giggle

"Love ya, too... my cutie jealous babe." I said grinning and chuckle playfully

His cheeks glowed red from the nickname I gave him and nuzzled against my neck so he could hide his face with embarrassment

How the freak is he so freaking cute?! Like-- bruh!

Izuku Midoriya Boyfriend Scenarios (Hya x Izuku | IzuHya, MidoHya)Where stories live. Discover now