When She Tickles Him

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Hya's POV

"Where the heck is he? Izuku-kun? Where'd he go?"

Okay, 15 minutes ago, Izuku called me and I've been looking for him for ten minutes for our pair project for Midnight-sensei's subject since I have most of our notes of how we're gonna do it

I tried texting him, but he ain't responding, and I already guessed that he was on the afternoon jog

So I checked my Bluetooth smartwatch before going outside my house

While walking around looking for him in his usual places at the park where he would jog, I decided to sing The Other Side (Greener Grass) (A/N: Which is actually by Funnel Vision, well only OGs will remember that song ^^) while looking at my watch to see if he responded or not since it was connected on Bluetooth on my phone, well, even though it would vibrate

After nine minutes, I just thought of going back to my house and meet him there instead when he gets back

'I'll just meet him there back at the common room instead-'

"Oh, Hya-chan!"

My thoughts were cut off when I saw my anime freckled boyfriend running towards me with his usual cute smile and he's a bit sweaty just by looking at his forehead

"Aye, there you are!" I said and laughed before both of us could give each other a hug

But during the contact, his body was shook for a split second and ended up moving up

"Oh! S-Sorry! You okay?" I asked and wore a worried expression

"Hope my hug wasn't that tight."

He just laughed shyly and I can also see his cheeks glowing red

"Y-Yeah! No worries!" He said and slightly hugged himself

"I didn't expect my sides can be this sensitive, that's all."

"Your sides?" I raised an eyebrow as I thought over from when we just hugged a moment ago then it hit me that I accidentally touching his sides when I was about to wrap my arms around him

I could feel myself smiling like a dork and decided to see if my hypothesis is right

"Ayo, let's try that again." I said and smiled at him

"You know, properly this time, I mean- *snort*." 

"Hehe, you're right." Izuku said and wiped his sweat using his fluffy towel

"Come here, my angel."

'Oh my god, Izuku-kun, I love ya, but you're falling RIGHT into my freaking trap.'

I chuckled and this time, we hugged each other affectionally - but this time with a freaking twist

While hugging, I decided to gently one of his sides with my fingertips which made his body jump but it was more lively

"H-Hahaha! H-Hya-chan!! Hey!" He said and started laughing and fight off my fingertips which that had no avail didn't leave a freaking effect on me

"I-I didn't see t-that coming, haha!"

I laughed and decided to tickle both of his sides playfully while he tried to fight off my hands that was tickling him

"This what ya get from pranking me last night!" I said and laughed

"And for my curiosity's sake, I've always wanted to see what the heck would happen, haha!"

"S-S-So that's why- HAHAHA! Stop, Hya-chan! I give up- Hahahaha!!" He continues to laugh hard as he tries fighting off once more

"I get it now! I get it now, hahaha!"

After some time of tickling my anime freckled boyfriend, I decided to put an end to it since he looked like he was almost at his limit and he was about to reach the freaking floor already

"Hah... hah... man. I haven't been tickled in a while." He said and exhaled

"You're so playful, Hya-chan. I mean, you still are, all the time."

I grinned and chuckle and gently kissed his cheek

"But hey, at least it made you relieved your fatigue from your jog, right?" I said and put my chin on his shoulder

His cheeks glowed brighter red from the close contact but smiled softly at me before kissing my cheek back

"I guess it did since I'm next to my angel and hero."


Izuku Midoriya Boyfriend Scenarios (Hya x Izuku | IzuHya, MidoHya)Where stories live. Discover now