Chapter 2 - Daiyu

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Author's Note: I swear to you that this is not meant to be a rewrite of OWK with Crosshair and Omega. I only picked Daiyu because of the kind of planet it is. :)

Enjoy all of the bonding and fluff! :D

~ Amina Gila

Omega sits curled in the co-pilot's seat, staring out at the white and blue swirls of hyperspace. She hadn't thought that Crosshair would actually come – he said he wouldn't – but he didn't have a choice, and... she's worried about how he feels about that. At least they're away. Escaping was the hardest part. Now, they just need to find their way to Ord Mantell from wherever they're going next.

"You're injured," Crosshair states finally after several minutes of absolute silence.

When she turns towards him, he's looking at her, or rather, his helmet is turned in her direction. "Yes," she confirms, though he already knew that.

"You should put bacta on them," he tells her, standing, "Can't send you back injured."

Despite his brusque tone, Omega is starting to suspect that's his way of showing that he cares, but even if it's not, she can't say no to getting treated. She aches all over, and her injuries are throbbing much worse now that she no longer has to worry about getting caught, not to mention how exhausted she is. Standing, she limps after him to the main hold, sitting in a seat and watching as he pulls out a medpac.

"Do you need help?" Crosshair asks, and she blinks in surprise at the question. In truth, she hadn't even thought about it.

"Probably," she admits, lightly pressing a hand to her side. "I can get most of it though."

He pulls off his helmet, setting on a nearby chair and walking over to her, dropping to one knee. "Let me see it."

Wincing as she moves, Omega reveals the deep blue-purple bruise on her side. Crosshair's eyes are icy, but he doesn't say anything as he takes off his gloves, reaching for the bacta in the medpac. With far more gentleness than she thought him capable of, given his disposition, he rubs the bacta into her skin, over the injury. "Nothing is broken," he assures, not looking at her. "What happened?"

"I got hit by a stunrod the second time I tried to escape," she admits. Which was only a couple days before her last, successful, attempt.


She can't decide if he sounds impressed or disbelieving. Or neither. They don't talk as he helps her apply bacta and bandages to the rest of her injuries.

"Rest," he says when they're done. "I'll tell you when we arrive."

Omega tries to hide a yawn, feeling far sleepier now that she's not in as much pain. Or maybe it was the gentleness that Crosshair showed as he helped her. "Where are we going?"

"Daiyu," he answers. "It's a crime world. We can disappear there and find alternate transport. The Empire will be following us."

He picks up his helmet, tucking it under his arm as he leaves for the cockpit without another word and without looking back. Omega isn't hurt by it. If anything, she feels safe here, knowing that her brother is here, willing to protect her no matter what happens. He left the Empire to keep her safe. He risked himself to get her out, and she can't forget that. She shifts around in the seat, trying to find a comfortable position to fall asleep.

It's not easy, per se, not when her mind is filled with memories of the lab she was in, the myriad of tests and experiments that they did on her, no matter how blurry and distorted some of them now are.

But sleep, when it comes, comes quickly.


It'll be quite a few hours still before they arrive on Daiyu, even after however long it's already been. Crosshair had chosen the destination somewhat randomly, but he vaguely remembers something about it being a planet of crime, and being in the Outer Rim, he rather doubts that there will be an Imperial presence there. Even if there is, the type of world that it is should allow them to disappear.

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