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After a week everything is completely good, until one day....

Hobi: RM , where's Jungkook? I have something important to say

RM: What is it Hobi?

Hobi: I already found the location of Mr. Choi and Mr. Kang , and I know Jungkook will be happy for this news

RM: Let's go to his office , I saw him there ealier.

And they went to Jungkook's Office which is inside of the Mansion.
They knocked the door first before enter inside.

Jungkook: Come in.

RM: Jungkook , there's something you need to know

Jungkook: What is it?

Hobi: I got a news from where Mr. Choi and Mr. Kang's hiding for a year Jungkook

Suga: Finally Jungkook , we will avenge of our parents death

Jungkook: Give me the paper.

Hobi gave it to Jungkook immediately.
He look at the picture inside the folder and read some of details about their enemy , he felt more alive and he felt that his demonic side are coming out because of anger and excitement to kill.

Jungkook: Good job hyung , for now we are not going to attack. We should play them , just like what they did to us for years- searching for them.

RM: So , are we going to make a plan?

Suga: We need to do a plan immediately Jungkook before everything disappear like a bubble.

Jungkook: I know what I am doing hyung!

Jungkook showed his devil smile and killer look , he look like a hungry wolf-who's ready to eat his prey, and this is what they're afraiding of- if he can't control his emotions and feelings.. everything will turn into something else.

Hobi: Jungkook calm down , you're not in your right senses.

RM: Jungkook, mom and dad probably will be sad if they might seing you like this.

Suga: Don't worry , we are here for you to all your battle. This fight is not just only for you little bro , this fight is for "us" and for our parents , always remember that.

Jungkook: Let's make a plan to destroy them. Call all the members in JJK Group , now!

Men: Yes boss!

Suga: So?

Jungkook: Let's wait for them , and we will make a plan how to kill them.


Jin: Y/n! Taehyung!

Y/n , Taehyung: Why?

Jin: Come here to my office right now.

Y/n and Taehyung are looking to each other "confused" , Jennie and Sunoo immediately went out from their rooms when they heard of Jin's shout.

Jennie: What's the matter?

Sunoo: Is everything okay?


They ran to Jin's office.

Y/n: Why?? You're being so loud.

Jin: Finally Y/n , I know where he is.

Y/n: Where who?

Jin: A man who killed our parents

After hearing those words , Taehyung look at to his hyung blankly , like he is not surprise or happy to hear the news

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