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1 week passed since that heart to heart confession about what is bothering inside of Taehyung's mind. He's thankful to them because even though he's a hard headed person , a stubborn one , they never leave him behind to face his problems alone. Jungkook stops drowning himself to alcohol and hunting to kill a bad people , he understand his boyfriend and he's keep waiting for him to talk to him. The reason why Taehyung is not talking to him , he needs more strength to face his boyfriend but sometimes when he got a chance to talk to him , Irene is suddenly showing up. He admit that he really hate that girl , even Jungkook pushing her away she's keep being flirty with him , no matter how many times Jungkook says that he's already TAKEN and love someone else. Irene didn't believe at him because she didn't saw someone being with him. Even Suga and Hobi are so irritated to her behaviour.

Monday , Jimin is waiting for Taehyung to arrive at the side of the gate.
Some minutes Taehyung came , so he greeted him a " Good Morning".

Jimin: Good morning Tae.

Taehyung: Morning chim.

Jimin: Let's go.

While walking..

Jimin: How's your sleep?

Taehyung: Ahm , not bad. How about you?

Jimin: Very romantic , in my dreams we had a 3 children.

Taehyung: Idiot , you're a guy remember?

Jimin: Nothing is impossible duh and besides it was just a dream , a happy dream. I hope it happens

Taehyung: Where will you get out the baby? out of your butthole? but there's a way , they will cut your tummy to get the baby out.

Jimin: What ever it takes , as long as Suga is the father.

Taehyung: What ever you say.

They're now at their locker to get a book and put inside their bags.

Jimin: Let's go to Cafè near at our school. It's early in the morning and we have 30 minutes before to start the class. Come on

Taehyung: You know I don't drink coffee , it's bitter.

Jimin: Just come with me , there's a strawberry cake.

Taehyung: Fine.

And they went to the nearest Cafè shop.

Taehyung: How many months will count before the class end?

Jimin: 2 months I guess.

Taehyung: Hmm.

Jimin: What's your plan after school end?

Taehyung: I don't know yet , how about you , have you any plan after class end?

Jimin: Maybe I'll go to Paris or Maldives

Taehyung: Oh I see.

Jimin: Let's go , we have 20 minutes before the bell rang.

Taehyung: Yeah.

They immediately went out from the shop and quickly goes back inside the campus and they enter the classroom.


Jimin and Taehyung went inside of our classroom catching their breath , I wonder where they have been. Taehyung still didn't talk to me , and I let him. I don't want to pressure him because of me , I understand his reasons. After their conversation 1 week ago , I heard everything. He blame his self because I became like a miserable one recently , but after their talks I burst into cry and I realize what I am doing is not good , it can make our relationship even got worst , it didn't help to solve and face our problems. I heard him crying , and I felt bad to my boyfriend and I much feel hate to Irene because of her Taehyung feels insecure about himself and overthinking about our relationship , he felt jealous too but he kept hiding his feelings from us , he's a great pretender. When Irene came next to me , sitting next to me or even talk to me , I'm not giving a fvcking damn. Even she's a woman and can give me a child , I'll prefer to choose Taehyung over her , she's my first love but not my greatest love , not the one I offer the ring to be my wife/husband. I offer a engagement ring to Taehyung because I'm sure about him and I will do everything for him , even the consequences is my life I don't care as long as I do my part to tell and feel him that he's the one I needed the most , my priority , and feel contented with his presence and love. He's my Luna , giving me light in my darkest part , I really love him more than what he think.

KING AND QUEEN MAFIA💀Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora