He smiled at me and gave me a long kiss. We had only been together for a a year but it felt much longer than that! I was happy with Odell and honestly I couldn't wait for our wedding day but we've still gotta plan it out and everything which won't be a problem because We already know what we want, how we want it and where we want it so that's not a problem at all.

"Where's my princess?" He asked referring to Hailey.

"In her room playing, she doesn't know you're home so you need to go see her." He nodded his head and stood up from the couch.

"You need help going up the stairs baby?." I asked as he walked over to the staircase.

"Nah, I'm good I need to work on walking up and down stairs anyway."

Odell POV

I finally made my way upstairs and walked down the hallway to Hailey's room. She was coloring in her coloring book while humming a song.

"Wassup princess." I kissed her forehead.

"Daddy!!!!!." She smiled."I didn't know you were coming back today!!!" She hugged me.

"I wanted surprise you babygirl." I smiled at her.

"You feeling okay?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I'll be just fine. Don't worry about me babygirl..What you in here doing." I asked her.

"Nothing just coloring and singing.." She replied.

"Daddy can I ask you something." She said putting her crayon down.

"Anything sweetheart." I said.

"Well..I know Dani is not my real mommy but do you know where my real mommy is?" I was speechless, I didn't know how to answer it, if I told she was dead it would break her heart if I lied and said she was still alive she'd wanna see her and we'd go through a crazy moment and process.

"Umm, come sit over here with me." I suggested and she walked over to the rocking chair I was sitting in.

"Mommy had to go to a place called Heaven for awhile." I said nervously.

"What's Heaven? Why'd she go there?"

"Heaven is a place where all the good people go after they go through an experience called Death."

"Isn't death a bad thing? What happened to mommy?" She got worried.

"Not really, it depends on how you look at it. Mommy is now in a much better and safer place where she doesn't have to worry anymore. You'll be sad for awhile about mommy leaving but trust me it will get better babygirl."

"What happened to mommy?" She put her head down.

"Mommy got hurt really bad so god decided she shouldn't have to go through pain anymore so he called her to go rest with him."

"Is she okay now? Is she happy?" She said.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's in paradise, so of course she's happy"

"When is she coming back?" She asked and I paused.

"She's not coming back babygirl." Her face saddened. "You still have Me, Danielle, you're Uncles and many other people."

"But when you got hurt you didn't go to Heaven"

"That's because it wasn't my time yet.." I replied.

"How do you know when it's you're time?" She said curiously.

"I don't really know but when the time comes you'll know." She nodded her head in understanding.

Love Don't Change..Odell Beckham JrWhere stories live. Discover now